lila x reader

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Requested as a female Reader!

Your pov-
I've recently moved to this new place ,i was told by my sister Jaune to move here ,the place was great apparently.
It wasn't a issue to move out after all it was crowded back home.
The rent was pretty cheap.
I was unpacking my stuff at the moment, i was putting my clothes there and there .
And my favorite accessories where i thought looked nice.
After a while i finally finished,not organized but it's something.
I opened my phone and scrolled down on tik tok not knowing what to do .
I sat on my bed til i heard a knock on the door.
I quickly put on my slippers and went to open it.
I saw it was Jaune and Ross .
"Hey (n/n)! You've finally unpacked?"she said looking around.
"Yea ...not really my thing but it's something" i shrugged.
"Hey auntie (y/n)" i head Ross say with his adorable smile.
I felt my eyes sparkle as i quickly carried him.
"How was my favorite nephew been! You've growned so much it was as if yesterday you were a cute little kid"i said as he giggled and hugged me back.
"I've been doing really well ,it's nice to have you here maybe me and mom can show you around?" Ross said as jaune nodded in agreement.
"I see why not " i said as i told them to stay there.
I rushed to my bedroom to change and put on some shoes.
I then got out when I was ready.
"Okay we can go now" i said as well all  left my house .
We were walking around there and there.
This place wasn't that bad as i thought i guess.

"I know you will just love meeting my friend and her kid!" Jaune said as Ross started sleeping on my shoulders
"I see why not "

We were headed to jaunes friends house .

Before we got there we went to her house to leave Ross sleeping peacefully.

Them we headed to her friends house.
It was pretty nice from the outside i must say ,i saw lights on so it must mean their there.

Jaune knocked on the door as we waited for someone to answer it only took a few minutes.

I saw the door open to reveal a purple haired lady.
I felt myself cheeks flush as i stared at her ,at least i was behind Jaune .

"Hey Lila! I just wanted to stop by and maybe present you to my older sister!" Jaune said with a smile.

"It will be wonderful,you can come inside" the purple haired woman i guess Lila said as she allowed me inside.
I tried to avoid eye contact with the woman but made it look like i was looking around until i saw a kid.
He had a skeleton costume on.
I wasn't sure why tho.
"Hey ma did you know it's the spooky month!"the kid said as he did the little dance.
"The spooky month?!" I nearly shouted hearing about it.
I did the dance as i smiled and the little kid giggled.
The kid and I then stop as i did as well ,he jumped into my arms unexpectedly.
I catched him not wanting for him to get hurt.
"I can take you to meet moloch! Or eyes !" The kid said as i holded him in my arms .
I could hear both Jaune and 'lila' giggle as they saw the whole thing.
It made me blush in embarrassment.
"I can see you and my son are already getting along" 'lila' said .
"Oh how terrible of me! Where are my manners I'm Lila ,you may know me as jaunes friend and this is my son skid " Lila added with a sweet smile.
That smile could light up the whole world.
"My name is (y/n) but i prefer to be called (n/n) it is a pleasure to meet you miss Lila" i said as i set skid down and shook hands with Lila as a greeting.

"Would you like something to drink or a snack?" She then said heading to the kitchen with Jaune.
"Sure i see why not" i said as i played with skid a little.
"I want you to meet moloch!"skid said dragging me upstairs.
"Alright alright slow down a bit " i said as i giggled seeing the little boy happy.
I wasn't sure who was moloch but maybe is a pet?
He took me to the attic and we went inside to see half of a demon in a Ouija board.
"Please let me out! " Moloch screamed as he tried to reach skid.
I defended skid but then the demon stopped and sighed.
"Welp it was nice meeting you!" I said carrying a happy skid downstairs.
I heard Jaune and Lila chatting but once they entered they stopped chatting and Jaune giggled as lila turned a shade of red ,i was confused but didn't want to ask questions.
"Here ya go you must have been waiting!" Lila said handing me my favorite snack and juice as she did to skid as well.
I set skid down as i started munching on my snack .
I could see Jaune whisper to Lila as lila became more flustered.
I was a bit curious what they were talking about you shrugged it off as you were done with the snack and juice.
Skid was dragging you now as you waved bye at Jaune and Lila.

Lila's pov-
I let out the breath i didn't know I was holding in as jaune smirked at me.
"It's not like that!" I said as i covered my face in embarrassment.
"I bet you have a thing for my sister don't you Lila " Jaune said .
"Maybe i do.." i said as i realized i had butterflies in my stomach.

Short I'll make a second part after I'm done with the lucky box thing and the other requests
my hands just hurt like hell but i managed to post 3 things!

spooky month one shots Where stories live. Discover now