Hatzgang x suicidal reader part 2

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Part 2 of the bad ending one

Non binary Reader

Robert's pov -

They still haven't woken up after almost 2 years.
The doctors were talking about they might not survive after all.
I didn't want to lose them ,life hasn't been the same without them .
Roy ,Ross and I always came by to visit them .
We would talk to them , well attempt to.

It was my turn to visit them .

"I know you still can't hear me (n/n) ,but I've missed you a bunch so does the other two.
I felt myself tear up once more .
"Why did you want to leave us to early! Please open your eyes tell me your still here " i wanted to hear their voice,their sweet smile i wanted their hugs.
But all i could hear in this room was the heartbeat detector and my sobs.
I hugged them as i cried on them ,i couldn't do much.

I could hear their heart beat faster and faster the detector was going pretty crazy , it alarmed me and the other doctors.
I was being pushed away from seeing (y/n) .
I could see Ross trying calm down Roy as they both heard what was happening.
I went to hug them both as we all prayed they make it out Alive.
Even if the chances were a negative.

Narrators pov-

The doctors grabbed the defibrillators and powered them up as they place them in the (h/c) patient.
They were sure they would lose this patient.
The heartbeat rate was going faster to slower and slower....to just a straight line .
The doctor had to deliver the sad news to the 3 younger males since they were the only ones who would visit frequently with a tall ish male.

"Sorry to say this but we have lost the patient " the doctor informed the taller male who took the teens .

"Oh my..i don't believe my brother and his friends would like to hear this.." Radford said as he tear up.
He saw the younger teen like a  third sibling.

The doctor left his side as they went somewhere else.

Radford's pov-
I wiped my tears away as i went to the lobby were the boys were.
Before i headed there i saw (y/n) standing right in front of me.
Was i dreaming?!
They held their hands out for me to hug them which i did.
"They said we lost you how is this possible?" I said as i felt their warm hug.
"I would never leave your sides ,let's go with the others " they said as they let me go to the lobby.

Once we rushed there the 3 of them turned to face us ,i saw their face expressions change into a happy one and went to tackle (y/n)

Your pov-
I felt that gang tackle me with hugs ,i just giggled at their actions.
I was reported which was ...true but i didn't leave to become an angel.
I was fighting to be alive again.

"We thought we would have lost you man" Ross said as he wiped his tears.

"Don't ever do that again ,you idiot!" Roy said hugging me tight.

"We've missed you a bunch" Robert added .

"I've missed you all but i did leave you all..." I said letting them go.

"What do you mean?" Roy said.

"I've rejected heaven and hell, i was sent to earth not as my alive body but into a spirit" i said as a smiled.
I could see tears into their eyes.
"So your dead...but came back as a spirit just for us?" Radford said as i nodded.
"I would be watching over all of you and visit you when I can, but for now i have to go" i said as i started disappearing.
They wanted to prevent me from leaving but it turned into a fail.
I would become their gaurdian spirit.

I was happy of being freed after having to deal with all the pain .
I thought as i was being taken by the lights to watch over them .


That's the end for this i guess

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