Hatzgang x reader

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Requested -Skids older sister reader!
Sorry if theirs any mistakes

(F/c) -favorite color
(H/l) -hair length

Your pov-
"Bye mom!"i saids as i holded my brother skids hand.
"Bye kids ! Please be careful"she said after i closed the door.
Me and skid were going to hang out with pump his friend.
I loved the spooky month as much as they did.
I had a matching costume as skid.
I was "la muerte" one of my favorites i wore some type of fancy ish (f/c) dress with cute little flower designs , it had long sleeves that covered my arms and hands .
With it i wore i flower crown of my favorite flowers with my (h/l) waving freely.
I had skeleton makeup i made myself.
A lot of people complemented my costume even if it wasn't Halloween.
We arrived to pumps house as i knocked waiting for a response.
After a bit susie answered with a friendly smile.
"Hey (n/n) i see your also in this spooky month spirit"she said as she giggled.
"Of course,you know my love towards the month " i responded as i hugged her.
She hugged me back and then we both let go as pump came out.
"Well wish you well (y/n) and please try not to get in trouble pump " she said as she closed the door.
"Bye Susie i promise to bring you som" was the last thing you said before the door closed.
"Hey sissy can you get us ice cream??" Skid said with his begging cute eyes with pump.
I looked at the ice cream truck that was nearby.
"Fine.. stay here and scream for me if anything happens " i said as i looked both ways before crossing the street i could hear their giggles as i headed to the ice cream truck.
I knocked on it as gently not wanting to disturb that badly.
"What?" Answered a man as he opened the window thing.
"Can I get 2 ice creams? " I said as he nodded and went to grab them .
I pulled out my money from my pocket dress and handed him the money and tip as he handed me the ice creams.
"Have a nice afternoon (n/n)  " he said as i smiled.
"thanks you too Frank ! " I said as i waved a goodbye.
I looked both ways and the crossed after i saw no cars passing by.
I started walking to the direction i left skid and pump before hearing my name get called.
I started holding my dress and speed ran there when i got there i saw skid and pump and 3 boys backs i pushed one out of my way as i reached skid and pump.
"Here i got your ice creams" i Said as i handed them their ice creams .
"Why the hell did you push me loser !!" One of the boys yelled.
I turned around to face him.
I saw one of them smiling widely,one who had a beanie and another one that was short and angry.
"Oh my sorry! But you were in the way"i said as i scratch the back of my head.
I saw that they froze in the spot eyeing me up and down.
I looked at them with awkward smile as it went completely quiet.
All i could hear were skid and pump.
"Um..is there something wrong" i said coming closer to them .
The short one snapped out of their thoughs as well as the other 2.
"Y-yea everything is good!"  The short one said.
"Well my name is (y/n)!" I said as i smiled at them .
"The names Roy kept that in mind " the Short one said.
"I-im Robert,your really pretty" said the one who had a cute wide smile.
"Aw thanks,you look good as well" i said as i saw Robert turn a bit pink .
"My name is Ross a pleasure to meet you (y/n)  " said the boy wearing a beanie as he kissed my hand .
I felt myself blush at the greeting.
"What a gentleman!"i said as i giggled.
"(Y/n) you promised to take us to the candy shop! " Skid said as he pulled me a bit .
Pump eyed the 3 boys with a questioning look.
"Hey (n/n) are they your boyfriends?  Pump said as i turned red.
"No no no i just met them" i quickly said.
I heard the 3 boys giggle hearing that.
"Well not yet ..but we would love to accompany you to the candy club " said Roy as the other 2 nodded.
"Yet!?" I screamed.
"Don't worry about it " Robert said as Ross smacked Roy's head.
"Ow! That hurts!" Roy said as he rubbed his head.
"But yes it would be great if we went with you to the candy club" Ross said with a smile.
"I see why not" i said before being dragged by skid and pump as the others followed me.

I guess i just got 3 new cute friends  i thought as we chatted after exiting the shop with a bag full of candy.


Ik it was short-

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