Replacement cops x reader

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Fem reader

Replacement cops ofc

Sticking with shotgun and captain

I have 3 slightly different versions of this half written and i decided to go with this one 🤩



"You went whooshhh and i was all like WAHHHT?!" I listened to my boyfriend rant and talk about what he felt about my work,it was normally like this every time I loved his silliness time to time I never got tired of it .

"I thought you were going to go SPLAT!!!" He said in an exaggerating tone as i took a sip of my coffee, i was tired due to events of yesterday, luckily i was on my day off.

Yesterday was a regular but riskier situation in my job as a firefighter, long story short,i ran inside a burning building to rescue a little girl and i almost missed the rope when getting out .

Shotgun was there to witness it just like every single nosy news reporters and average regular people watching the tv.

"Oh yea and also Me and captain finally took down the dangerous criminals ,he was talking about that boring stuff and i went all like 'CHAKACHA KA PAAAA AAAAAAAA' " he said yelling the last part as i chuckled before hearing captains voice.

"Shhh" he said as i looked in his direction seeing him lower down his sunglasses and then place them back ,he walked near us as shotgun gave him a weird look about making him shut up.

"I was in the middle of telling her about our experience!" Shotgun said angrily and crossed his arms like a angry kid.

"No need to be too loud,im pretty sure we already have noise complaints about your yapping" Captain said as he made himself a cup of coffee before lowering his head,making his glasses lower to see his eyes looking at him.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" shotgun screamed just to annoy captain a bit ,i only chuckled as i saw them argue like  kids.

I continued drinking my coffee peacefully since it was my 'normal' living with my two favorite people , sadly the peaceful moment of myself didn't last long as they moved the table by aggressively slamming it, spilling the coffee on me.

They both shut up as i looked at them in a frustrated way ,i barely had it washed and it was my favorite shirt.

"Really?! Out of all things??" I said as i took off my shirt due to how hot it was , luckily it didn't burn me too bad ,just left a bit of a mark.

They both were quiet and stared at me as if it were the first time they saw me in my bra. (Or not ,who knows if you wear them 🧐).

"I can make it up to you" captain said with a smirk wrapping his arm behind my back and winking at me.

"HEY!!! THAT'S NOT FAIRRR"  shotgun yelled as he wrapped his arms around my stomach and both of them had me sandwiched between them both , both their bodies pressing against me making me heat up and lose focus on their little arguing til i let out a small squeal out of the pressure of their bodies.

"You okay hun?" Captain said as i look up at him my hands on his chest seeing his smirk knowing what is happening.

Shotgun on the other hand grabbed me and separated me from Captain.

"DID I HURT YOU?!" He yelled inspecting me a bit anxiously and worried if he had hurt me .

"No you didn't,im okay " i reassured him before i got snatched by captain,he ran up the stairs carrying me on his shoulder as shotgun dramatically gasped.

Captain locked the door as we entered the room ,and i could hear shotgun banging on om the door aggressively.

"How about some private time hun?~" he said as i pinned me down the bed he placed me on.

"I- captain don't you have a job to go to?". I said blushing.

"LET ME IN!!" Shotgun yelled as captain shrugged it off .

"Jack and John are on the shift leaving me free with you " he whispered in my ear before kissing my jawline.

I felt a good shiver at the action before we were both startled by a gun noise then the door being slammed open.

"GRRR ITS NOT FAIR YOUR HAVING FUN WITHOUT ME! >:C"  shotgun said dropping his gun as i pushed off captain.

"Im sorry" i said as i kissed his lips which he slammed me into a wall to deepened the kiss then he stopped the kiss and turned to captain.

"HA!" He yelled as captain as captain just rolled his eyes and grabbed me.

"You may have gotten her kiss but she won't be the one yelling your name tonight" he said as he i felt his hot breathe on my neck before i felt a sharp pain making me yell.

"FUCK- ngh~" i let out a weak moan as he started licking the spot as shotgun stared and pushed him off me ,shotgun then kissed me once more pressing his body against me letting me feel that growing bulge in his pants practically begging for more than a kiss.

I let go of the kiss ,out of breath before i lost balance and fell on my knees , i looked up seeing both of then looking down at me as i was a weak prey for them.

"How about we share her ,have her at the same time?" Captain suggesting a pleasureable experience , i could see how both seemed to craved me more than ever.

Hahaha im stopping it right there 😘

This was just a tease so y'all can beg for me to publish the rest of the request 😈/j

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