yandere Lila x reader

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Requested as Male reader!

Based on the title you know what is going to happen.

F/f - favorite food
F/d - favorite drink

Lila's pov-

I was getting skid ready to hang out with his friend pump and pumps sister and uncle .

I was invited by pumps uncle as well.
He was a pretty nice and good looking man i must say.
I would do anything to be his.
I've met him when he brought skid home with pump.

He had offered me sweets or anything for taking care of his nephew,i didn't accept his kind offer but he gave me his number in case i wanted help or something.

He lived with Mr wonder ,pumps grandpa ,he took care of the chores and the kids.

Sometimes i would see him play with my son and pump,he really got along with them really fast, the kids even taught him how to do the spooky month dance.
I loved hearing his laughter and presence, one day I'll make him mine.

"Come on mom ,pump and his uncle are here!!" Skid said happy to see them .

I fixed my hair a bit and started heading out with skid next to me as i locked the door.

"Hello Lila , how's it been?" I heard (m/n) say with his kind voice.
"I've been doing well ! I really appreciate you inviting me and skid to eat" i said as i walked next to him while the kids went in front.

"No problem,miss Lila" he said with a bit of pink forming as he smiled .

"I already told you to just call me Lila " i said playfully hitting him as he chuckled.

" we're here!!" Both the boys shouted as they went inside.
(M/n) opened the door for me to let me in first i giggled at his sweet actions.

He stood there for a few seconds to hold the door for another lady who was rushing in.

I felt a bit jealous but rubbed it off.

(M/n) was very kind hearted to anyone but i wished it was just me .
We sat at a available table as we waited for a waiter .
It took only a couple minutes til the same lady came and handed us the menus and smiled looking at (m/n)'s eyes as he smiled back at her.

I felt like destroying and ripping her face so she wouldn't look good or smile for anyone especially (m/n).

"What would you guys like to drink?" Said the lady with a hyper voice.

"The kids will like juice and I'll take a (f/d) ,what about you Lila?" He said now looking at me with his smile.

"I'll have the same he's having please and thank you!"i said wanting for the girl to leave already.

Your pov-

It was pretty nice to have Lila and her son here wit my nephew and I.
Sadly Susie my niece didn't want to go with me ,i was her favorite but she prefered staying at the house with the things i got her .
As long as she was happy.
Me and Lila chatted for a bit as the 2 boys were playing with the toys this restaurant gives to the kids.
After a bit the hyper lady came with her drinks looking right at me with red cheeks.
"Here's y'all's guys drinks!!" She said nearly splashing the drinks for the fast pace she went in.
She must be a beginner.

"Thanks miss " i Said as i smiled at her .

"What could i get you to eat? " She said as she eyes Lila with disgust and grabbed her notepad to write in.

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