patty x half zombie reader

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Non binary reader ,it was recently requested to me so..why not write it!

Your pov

I was not sure how i got infected but i knew i was half dead.

I mean a bit of my flesh fell apart and i had to stich it up ,ehich was an issue.

My stomach craved brains and it was a bit hard to control the feeling.

The sky was a pretty setting, it was silent and quiet, almost night time.

My stomach growled as i bit my lip, i could berly control my body snd i smelled a good scent nearby.

It was near a building,it was like i went to zombie mode since i drool a bit and i felt my body get a bit lszy and hsrder to walk.

I haven't eaten in days and I'm starving..i didn't want to hurt people but i have to ,to survive.

I entered the building by a window,it was a morgue,the scent was so good , eventually i followed it.

I removed my surgical mask i hsd to cover a few of my stitches ,it looked painful but i could barely feel a thing.

The scent grew closer as i followed it and there i saw a dead body ,the skull was open ,i couldn't resist as i saw what i wanted.

The brain of the person.. without hesitation i started eating it , feeling so hungry.

Despite already eating normal food i was so hungry ,normal food never filled me up.

My hands were getting messy as i basically ate the brain fast like dome animal.

I heard a sound which made me stop eating.

My head turned around to eye a blonde female, the same one i saw when i basically died ,i was in the morgue a while back.

I also knew her since i had a few encounters and we did get along a bit, not so close but close to call a buddy or friend,her name was patty.

I was reported dead and well i came back to live during organ removal and i had to get out of there , nobody saw me get out and everyone thought my body was stolen.

The female looked a bit confused,not in shocked just sorta surprise.

"Wait (y/n) (l/n)?" She said as i looked at her ,my vision was a bit shitty since my eye color was now mixed with a gray color and a bit of sight loss.

"I thought you were dead..wait didn't your body go missing?" She asked coming cloder to inspect me despite me covered in a bit if blood.

"Funny story.. I'm actually well.. half dead.. I'm sorry I couldn't resist.." i said as she noticed the stitches near my mouth , the change of hair color and eye color.

"Half dead? So like half zombie?" She said poking my face a bit.

"Well yea" i said as my eyes followed her figure.

She grabbed a flashlight and shined it in my eye but my body or face didn't hsve any reaction.

" you eat organs and well brains?" She said turning off the flashlight.

"Yea sorry for the mess.." i said as she chuckled a bit,ive never heard her chuckle.

And i knew if i had a functioning heart ,i would have had it beating fast .

"Its are my friend right?" She said as i smiled.

"Well of course" i said as cleaned a bit of my mess, of course i helped her out.

We ended up catching up with our lives and past events,i learned more about her ,i felt this weird feeling..even with a half dead body i knew my heart fluttered with her around.

Patty offered to secretly feed me if i ever needed food,i agreed and told her ill return a favor in return.

We were in mid conversation before i heard 2 male voices.

If i remembered correctly they belonged to 2 cops or whatever and so i was scared and ran ,oatty seemed to wsnt ti say something but she stop herself from doing so as she seemed to understand.

I ran out of the place heading to my house I was quite full already and my body was tired,so when i did go home i ended up falling asleep, my eyes closed slowly as i laid in bed and my mind focused on one thing to think about, patty.

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