its bad smut

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I have no idea

Also this is not part 2!

It's still whoever you choose!

So it will be (...)!

Also's pretty much straight to it 😀

Your pov -

I met up with (...) ,My boyfriend I've had for ...3 years

I'm not sure how i even met him he just appeared out of thin air.

(Imma stop fooling around 🧍)

I saw as they got back from doing there usual stuff as i stayed home.

I had no job today so i was free to do whatever the hell i want.

I went towards my phone as i saw my lover (or whatever-)

I felt there presence in the room as i slowly turned around hearing them ...well how do you describe it..

He was breathing rather as if he was mad .

His eye made contact with mine as he gave me a small upset face.

He was either bothered or dealt with something he was not happy with.

Either way i knew that was not good.

"Hey... sweetheart! How are you doing?" I said turning off my phone and placing it down to set focus on (...).

His glare never left my stare so i knew this was going to be one heck of a day...maybe?

"I need a stress reliever" he said coming closer to me as i gulped knowing what he referred to.

"Oh um...i think i bought a stress ball!  A um.. plushies! Please no stay away-" i was about to escape but they grabbed me .

Pinning me in the bed as my face went straight into the bed sheets feeling his body pressing against my back i think i could feel his crotch.

I felt his breath next to my hear ,his rather warm breathe hitting my skin as his hands trailed down my body for a while .

"I think you might just do the job quite well" he said as i felt my face flush with all these feelings.

I then felt his lips kissing my neck as i squealed just a bit not expecting that.

After i felt like he was sucking on my neck and collarbone he placed a bite on my neck roughly yet gentle in the same time making me let out a small moan at the process.

I felt him smile as i just felt weaker compared to him.

I didn't even get a kiss before any of this.

I felt him get off me as i heard him open the drawer and felt my pants get pulled down.

as he pulled out a Glock- (ik..I'm sorry 😔 anyways-)

He pulled out a bottle of lobe as he took off his clothes and he added lobe on his member rubbing it around.

(On his big juicy cock 😩😩)

At least it won't hurt as much ...

Without any other second i felt his hand on my hips as i felt his member started to make its way to my back area (Yk..the ass ...butt?? )

His hands trailed to my hands holding it as his chest was pressed in my back and his member slided in me causing me to moan at the sudden feeling.

I bit my lip holding in a bit of the pain as i felt one of his hands touch my chest just to feel me even more.

He started to thrust into me... not soft or gentle...

He was rough..making me take all of him inside of me even if it meant riping my area .

My mouth was filled with moans as he kept thrusting inside of me .

He just wanted to be pleased and let out all that anger out of him by using me.

I felt myself start to drop as i started getting used to it .

Moans escaping from my lips as he holded my hand and pressed more against me.

I could hear the bed squeaking a bit as he placed us on a different position.

My hands and chest was pressed against the headboard as he kept thrusting inside me holding my hips to have better access in me.

(R.i.p that bed-)

I felt his hands started to hold stronger grip in my hips hurting a bit ..that will leave a mark for sure.

Nothing seemed to stopped him from hitting me harder in my area.

I won't lie i rather did liked it.

He grabbed my chin turning my head sideways kinda into his direction to plant a light kiss in my lips as i felt his thrusts get a bit slower and sloppier.

After a few more i felt that .. liquid fill my back area as he holded me tightly making me take all that in as i bit my arm a bit feeling that sudden thing hit me .

We both ended up getting tired..he placed me on his chest playing with my hair as i still felt my ass hurt and he just chuckled.


(Okay that's it suffer also i don't re read my stuff..
So plenty of spelling mistakes 🥰)


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