bob × reader

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This is a lemon and request to be female

Your pov-
I was walking around in the dark night.
I really loved being alone in the dark.
But now and then i felt someone watching me.
I never minded really i just wanted for them to come out.
I decided to go to the park cause why not.
I sat in the swing and started swinging myself.
I could feel the cold breeze hit my face as i giggled i started going slower after a few minutes.
I stopped and felt someones breath on me i turned around to reveal a chubby man with a wide smile and a devil mask.
The smile made me think of someone but i couldn't put a finger on it.
I quickly got off the swing as the man saw my every moment, as any person would i ran for my life .
I turned around to see the devil man still staring at me from afar.
After what seemed like forever i got to my house.
I must say it was a dumb move.
I heard a window break in the kitchen, i quickly went upstairs to hide in my room .
I entered my room and quickly entered a upper storage i had .
I climbed the ladder as i brought it up .
I went to the far corner hearing him enter my room .
It was then quiet i was trying to hold my breath.
But accidentally made a noise.
But nothing happened until i felt someone grab my leg , i was being dragged by the man .
I was in their shoulders frozen in fear.
"Aw you don't remember me (n/n)?" You quickly remembered that deep 'sexy' voice .
"Is it really you?" I said as i stared at his eyes.
"Of course darling,i promised i was going to escape someday" he said talking off his mask revealing his handsome face and messy hair.
"Now would you like to do where we left of? " He said clearly inpatient it's been a couple of years that you haven't seen him since he was arrested for murder and cannibalism .
You never cared about it but you were going to marry him anyways, he was your fiancé.
You both were going to get married a few years but got interrupted in the full planning when the cops came to take him away .
I wasn't able to bail him out of his crimes but he told me i should wait til he come out.


Present time-

I nodded knowing what he referred to.
He pinned me against the wall kissing me .
I kissed him back connecting our lips.
He bit my lip for easier access.
I groan in a bit of pain as he quickly slipped his tongue in.
He was keeping dominance like he always liked it .
He put his hand in my Lower area.
He slided his hand inside my pants and underwear.

He placed his finger inside me making me moan into the kiss ,we both let go of the kiss as we breathed.
He was still pleasing me under as he kissed my neck hearing my moans.
I could feel him smirk at his doings.
I felt mt stomach get in a knot before i released .
He pulled out his hand off there as he licked his fingers, enjoying my liquids.
"You taste so good ~ " He then said forcing me to go on my knees,i knew what he wanted me to do so i lowered his pants and boxers and massaged his balls (lol) before i was going to suck it . I could hear him moan a bit.
I then put my hands in him member stroking it up and down and licked his tips .
He looked at me with a sweet smile as i started to take it all in .
He grabbed my head as he started to guide me more .
I could feel his member hit my gag reflexes.
It didn't matter, after a few more bobbing he pulled my hair a bit more as he released into my mouth and told me to swallow.
I did as i was told .
He put his pants back up and grabbed me to cuddle with. I didn't mind at all.
I wanted more but maybe tomorrow we will after all it was already 2 in the morning.
We both slept in each other's arms comfortably

It wasn't much but it's another one shot done

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