candy dealer part 2

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Straight to the smut
Your pov-

I felt as he started sucking on my neck ,his soft hot breath on me making me want him more.
I was pinned down at the moment he took my into his room.
"Don't worry I'll go gentle on you i can tell this will be your first time" the candy dealer said as i felt him on top of my back.
I heard a belt being removed as i blushed knowing what's going to happen next.
I felt as my pants were pulled down after i heard a unzipped.
I felt a knot in my throat knowing it will possibly hurt.
"Don't worry sweet stuff I'll grab some lube so it doesn't hurt as much" he said as if he read my mind.
I heard him put some one as i felt w bit awkward.
"Ready?" He whispered in my ear .
"Actually I'm not so sur- AAHH YOU MOTHERFU- " I felt him go inside of me and felt the lube on his member due do it sliding a bit better.
It felt good but in the same time it was pain.
"Shh shh I'll just go gentle if you feel better i can go a bit rougher" he said starting to move as i grabbed on the bed sheets a bit due to it being my first time.
"This hurts like hell" i said as i heard him chuckle.
"You'll get use to it i promise"  he said putting me in a ass up doggy style.
(not me having to search positions up cause idk the names✌️)
I felt him start going in and out slowly as i groaned a bit.
"Not so bad is it now?"
"Still painful but it's better to get it over with"  i said holding back a few tears .
Damn getting fucked by a stranger...well it's not so bad ?
It is...
"Ooh so you want to get over it? " Candy dealer said with a clear smile.
He slammed himself deeper inside of me as i yelped in the action.
I moaned as i grabbed the sheets tighter.
"I regret saying that but in the same time i don't!~ " i said as he kept thrusting in and out of me.
"You feel pretty good (m/n)" he said as i felt his leather gloves around my ass as he went deeper inside of me hitting the good spots.
I hate that I'm enjoy this but's good
"Slow down a b-b-it" i said as i felt both our skins touch slapping each other.
"Don't worry I'm cl-close" he said as i kept moaning from full on good feeling and a bit of pain.
I didn't get to know how long it was ,he just slammed his member into me.
I'm guessing it was medium but s bit bigger than that..cause it filled me up by a lot.
"Sshhh shh swear stuff just about more" he said as i felt his thrusts becoming sloppier.
"Mhmmm~ " i said as i let my face fall into the bed.
I felt as he released into me as i felt myself twitch a bit in the feeling.
I released a bit  as well but i wasn't that horny like he was.
I felt him pull out as he chuckled.
"You chuckle to much i have to say" i said as i tried getting up.
My hair was pretty messy cause he grabbed it a bit.
I got up as i pull up my pants.
I Heard hims zipped his as he put in his belt.
"If you'll like you can just call me anytime you feel to do the heated stuff" candy dealer said fixing his belt right.
"Here's my number ,I'll be roaming around when you least expected it your mine now sweet stuff " he said grabbing my chin and kissing me.
We both let go as i tried to fix my hair.
"Sure will.." i said looking a bit flustered.
He led me back to the party we're i saw my parents were looking for me.
"See you around , sweetie " he said as he pecked my cheek before leaving.
I smiled at the thought,i guess i have a man now...or a guy to hook up with.
I felt my phone vibrate,i opened it to see it was a notification.


"And yes we are now together,your not just my sex toy your my favorite kind of sugar and my everything "

"How did he get my number?!" I thought as my parents started approaching me.
"God damnit (m/n) where were you?" My dad started lecturing me .
But the only thing in my mind was candy dealer


Yes! I was able to post!
Enjoy ig :'D


little bit of info about something from the theifs smut I'm doing-

That's just a little sneak peak of it the rest you gotta wait 🤭

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