Bob x fiancee reader

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Female reader


Or just ignore my silly mistake..

(If i edited imma change the whole thing...yea I'm just like that)

And uh...

I'm not spoiling it (requested!)

Your pov-

I sat in the bed as a felt a bump in the middle .

It was never like that so it was weird i felt that now.

I lifted the mattress to inspect it just to see a type of necklace and a blood covered utensil.

I looked at it in disgust and fear ,til i saw a few photos.

I grabbed them as i let the mattress down.

I inspected the images as i saw people in them..

They weren't normal..they had their intestines out and some body parts were being cooked making me want to puke just a bit.

Just as i thought it couldn't be any worse i flipped them to find writting.

The same writing my husband had.

I read one by one as i felt my eyes start to water.

One read -

'..the cult made me do it i had no control over it was just like how i killed my own daughter..i made it look like an accident as i saw my wife cry deeply and lose that smile of hers ..i took my anger out of citizens as i ate them from the craving i thought i had left'

I felt a tear slip out as i recalled the moment my precious little princess.. Betty.

Her lifeless body lying in her favorite colored bed with the thing she adored most ,the stuff animal i made for her.
It took years to get that image out of my head i was so sad that is until my husband made me better.

But now i felt my heart shatter as i read more.

Now knowing the actual cause of my little Betty's death.

"(Y/n) darling I'm home" i heard my husband say as tears fell down my eyes.

I heard his footsteps coming towards our room as i felt like panicking but mostly anger from him killing our daughter.

"What are you doing?" He said as he opened the door .
My eyes connected with his as he saw my teary state.

"You weren't suppose to know.." he said as his eyes went towards the bed were the photos and necklace laid.

"You killed our daughter?! You made me go through all that pain! " I said as i stood up more tears rolling down my eyes as he tried to come closer.

"Stay away! I don't want you near me !
Why did you do this knew how much i loved her and worse thing was that she was your god damn daughter!" I said as i pulled my hair to hold in all the pain .

"Darling..i didn't mean to hurt our little angel" he said as i turned around my hair now a mess.

"They made me do it..i lost control."he said making me feel more in pain.

"Then tell me if you knew whoever is them why did you even stay with them? Why the fuck do you eat people you said you were done.." I said heading closer to him as i smacked the photos on his chest in anger.

"May i remind you i gave you all that happiness when you were low? Remember you were struggling...i thought you said that craving of flesh left.." i said pushing him aside as he stayed lost in thought as my words went towards his head.

"I don't want to see your face ...i don't care about who's them! All i wanted was to have a family with you but now that was taken away" i said as i heard a toy play coming from Betty's old room.

I fell on my knees as my knees felt weak .

I saw the toy holding an image of my precious Betty... crying..

That was until i heard footsteps behind me.

I turned around to see bob standing with me with the widest grin holding the bloody knife i saw under the bed.

I couldn't move when i saw his eyes.

They looked so hypnotizing..they were cyan .
I got up as i tried to run away but i was grabbed by bob as he dragged me down .

I tried to grab on to something to protest but i felt something sharp being slammed into my leg as i screamed in pain .

I looked at bob as his eyes glowed more as his laughter grew .

He grabbed my hair roughly as i tried to stop him .
But he looked at me with a wide smiled as his cyan eyes reflected along my skin shining brighter than before.

I felt the same sharp object in my chest.

My eyes Darted down to see the knife went through my chest.

I felt my heart stop pumping as my pain signals were sent but i didn't scream instead i saw a blur .

I felt my eyelids grow heavier and then total darkness hit me .

Bob's pov-

I felt cyan cover my eyes and felt the craving once again but when i blinked once again i felt like i was holding someone.
My eyes Darted next to me to see i was holding my wife's hair.

I saw as blood was leaking out of a stab wound were her heart was.
I felt as mine shattered as i saw her now lifeless body fall.

"NO THIS CANT BE HAPPENING AGAIN!" I said as i felt my eyes water .

I checked for a pulse but i knew it was no use.

I felt my blood boil knowing who caused this ..
I should have listened to her ...i should have never joined..

Now i have lost my precious world and little angel over a stupid craving and deal ..


I almost cried.. don't ask why-

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