dexter x reader

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It's just a random short about Dexter cause i love him and who doesn't cause your boi reiny was to tired to do any of the real request.

My hand hurts by the god damn testing .

No info needed about the oneshot just read :))

Non binary Reader!!!
Sorry for any mistakes

Dexter's pov-

I saw as the love of my life entered their room.
I saw they were looking for new clothes in their closet.
It wasn't that bad just to watch them after all it's no harm.
I saw as they took off their perfect body as they removed their pants .
They once again have forgotten about this little window into their room.
What a foolish person.
I saw as they started changing into their new clothes.
Oh how much i would do just to get a kiss from them.
I might have gotten close to a kiss i must say after all i did have a friendship with them.
That's what gave me more of a advantage.
I felt the need to kill anyone to hurt them ,touch them or even breathe the same sit as them .
Cause they doesn't deserve those other people.
They need me more than anything in the whole world.
And I need their touch and love forever and ever.
I felt myself smiling as i saw they were now heading to sleep.
This might be crazy and all but i love sneaking into their house time to time .

I snucked in again after i saw they were fully asleep.
I entered their room as i saw their beautiful self sleeping peacefully.
I carested their face as they slept .
Their skin felt so soft and well taken care of .

I felt them start to move as i touched their cheek.

Your pov-

I felt as if someone else was in the room with me.
I then felt some hands touching my face i felt myself froze myself a bit but then rubbed it off as i Tried to become more comfy .
I heard someones breathing til i opened my eyes and saw it was Dexter.
I quickly got startled seeing him put his hands on my face.
"Oh (y/n) no need for you to worry everything is fine " he said as i felt his face get closer.
"Get the fuck away from me" i said as i punched his face resulting for him to grab were i hit him as i took s run for it grabbing my phone.
I got out of my room as i felt my hand hurt from the force.
I was about to headed downstairs as u went to hide in a closet,i know dumb but i was to afraid.
I dialed the police number as i tried holding my breath.
"911 ,what's your emergency"
"Someone just broke into my house,I'm scared what they might do" i said in a whisper.
"We're are you now ?" The operator said.

"(Y/n)~ you can't hide from me" i heard Dexter said as i felt some tears fall from my eyes.
I didn't expect for him to break in and who breaks in someone's house without wanting something.
I heard his footsteps coming downstairs.
"I'm at $## please hurry up he's coming closer "i whispered.
"Okay ,imma need you to stay calm and don't hand up try to not get hurt " the operator said not so helpful

I heard the sound of metal hitting each other.
I saw threw a bit of the whole of the closet as i saw Dexter now holded a sharp object.
I hidded myself a bit more.
I've only met him for a while and sure he was nice to talk to but i felt something off him just never knew what.
"C'mon (n/n) , just come out I won't hurt you.."he said as i heard him get closer to the closet.
I saw him suddenly open and he screamed.
"GOT YOU!~" I myself start to panic good thing the door was pretty big so i ran were his body didn't cover .
I broke the window since i knew i would struggle with the front door.
I felt sharp pain in my arm as i jumped out .
I dropped my phone but that didn't matter.
Before i could run any further i felt something stab my from my heart.
"That's not nice to run away from someone who adores you" he said as i looked at his face with his usual smile.
I felt his lips on me as i felt my heart drop knowing i wouldn't live and i don't know what he was going to do with my body.
I couldn't even move from fear ,i felt my blood coming out more as he pulled the knife off me.
"Sorry (y/n) I never wanted to hurt you but i can't you having running away from me " he said as i felt my eyes start to close as i heard muffled police sirens before i saw him drop the knife and then all i could see was darkness .


Some people will be scared if someone broke in their house but me personally wouldn't if they were hot

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