bob × single mom reader

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Your pov

"Connor sweetie put on your shoes were going walking!" I yelled from the kitchen where i was making sandwiches for me and Connor,my son.

I hummed a song as i was about to finish making the sandwiches.

"Mommy! I can't find my other shoe" he said only with one shoe on.

"Did you check under your bed?" I said as he thought of it.

"I didn't think of looking there, thanks mommy!" He said rushing to his room to look for it.

"You were right!" He said coming with both shoes now.

"I'm glad i was ,wash your hands so you can eat the sandwich, we'll be going out for a walk after we're done" i said bending down to peck his cheek as he giggled and nodded.

He went to go Wash his hands then came back and showed me that his hands were clean.

I smiled seeing his cute self as i handed him his sandwich,he was quick to eat.

He must have been hungry.

I ate mine,then we were both finished as i grabbed his hand.

"Lets go for a walk now Connor" i said as he nodded holding my hand .

We both headed outside i was looking straight as he looked around.

It was mid day so of course it was about to be dark soon.

I went to the park with connor as he happily went to the playground .

I smiled as i sat on the bench amd went to check my phone.

After 8 minutes Connor came up to me.

"Mummy im hungry" he said rubbing his stomach as i nodded despite just eating a bit earlier.

"Well your in luck! Theres a diner over there!" I said picking him up and pecking his soft cheeks a bit as he giggled melting my heart.

We headed to the diner ,i mean it looked decent,i placed my order and his ,there wasn't no one but the male who seemed to be in charge of the place.

Connor sat on the stool coloring with the colors and coloring book i gave him.

I was spinning in my stool until i got dizzy due to boredom.

I spun to hard i fell hitting my head in the floor as i lifted my head i saw the lights were out.

"Mommy? Are you okay..why are the lights ou-" Connors sentence aas interrupted by mumbling.

That's when i saw cyan eyes glowing.

I turn on my flashlight seeing a red painted male with devil horns headband.

He was grabbing connor and looked straight at me.

"Oh fuck no! I knew it i should if brought a bat!" I said tackling the male .

I kicked his private area as he let go of Connor,connor took my phone's flashlight and ran where he assumed was a safe place as i was still fighting the stupid male.

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