Roy x reader

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Teasing Roy x social bunny  ,non binary Reader

I have to inform me I'm not the best at this!

Your pov-

Another lovely day to be outside.
It was summer break meaning i will have many free time especially when my parents are pretty busy.
The take good care of me and i give them their time,we sometimes got to do activity's sometimes not.
It never really bothered me.
I loved the quiet anyways.
I saw as a baby duckling waddled it way to me.
I felt quiet nervous remembering those videos of mother ducks attacking people.
But the mother didn't seem to be around.
I gave the little duckling a bit of my bread i had from my sandwich i didn't eat.
The duckling cheerfully are the bread as it went closer to me asking for more.
It was quite adorable.
After a while they stopped eating,they must be full.
I threw away the leftover as i saw the duckling follow me .
"Where's your mother?"  I said lifting it up.
It quacked a bit as i saw it jump on my hand.
Did they loose it?i checked the duckling and saw it was a male.
I guess i should try to find his mother.
"I'm going to let you go for a sec"i said leaving him in the ground as i turned my hoodie backwards.
I grabbed the duckling and place it in the hood and i carefully made it do he wouldn't fall.
He seemed comfortable.
I started walking around the pond to find his mom.
But no luck ,i heard a few chuckles behind me alarming me a bit.
I turned around to see 3 familiar boys.
The Hatzgang.
"Is that a little duckling?!" Robert said approaching me.
He smiled as he saw the duckling but it nervous on the distant.
I was never really the one who would like this closeness from someone.
"Y-yeaa his name is ... Dewey and he is lost and I'm trying to find his mom, would you care to help?" I said as Ross came closer as well.
"We'll love to help!" Robert said .
I allowed boy Robert and Ross gold the duck as they awed .
But Roy just stood there , pissed?
I wasn't sure why.
The 2 of them tagged a long to find Dewey's mother.
Roy was basically just being dragged complaining once in a while.
"Oh look it's the ducks mom!" Roy said as i went to his direction.
"Really?!" I said .
"No!" He said chuckling as i felt like a dumbass fro believing him.
But it didn't matter.
Ross and Robert kept looking with me.
At some point i almost went into the pond.
Sadly it kept getting darker and darker.
The sun was setting and no luck.
"Aw..we can't find Dewey's mother.." i said as Dewey slept in my hood.
"Maybe next time " Robert said as Ross patted me.
"Theirs no next time!"Roy shouted under the tree .

"Would you like to go to my house! My parents gave me their card we can order anything and watch movies!" I said pulling out a card.
Both the boys looked at me.
"That'll be awesome!" Robert said .
"Sure" Ross Said.
"I'm not going some broke persons house" Roy scoffed.
"Oh no need for you to come but you'll miss out"i said trying not to feel insulted even if i wasn't poor.

Time skip -

"See i was right it was some broke persons house it doesn't even look like a liveable environment!" Roy chuckled at his own joke.
Yea my house did look bad in the outside but the inside was actually really good,my parents didn't want to gain attention to us so they went with this house.
The boys entered as they were shocked on how clean and 'fancy ' it was.
"My parents aren't much of a show off" i said taking off my hood and grabbing Dewey.
"You can explore as i put Dewey somewhere safe,if you get loss just scream I'll find you "i said as i saw their eyes sparkle.
Except for Roy.
I've heard his parents were indeed rich as well.
They showed it but hey I'm not the one to judge.

Roy's pov-

...i guess they weren't lying when they said,they had the funnest life they could ask for.
But why do they wear those clothes.
I do it because i don't want to represent my parents.
But i can see their filthy rich too ,but they seem to be so happy..
Where's their parents anyway?
It doesn't matter!
I went with Robert and Ross they just explored the place.
We ended up finding a arcade looking room.


I got to busy to finish the rest of the part i promise i will do part 2 of this my friend wanted me to write a king George the third x reader cause we watched Hamilton once more and well i do what I can do lmao(and yes i was able to write a chapter for that )

I'll be releasing more requests some may be short for my tiredness but don't worry


Is this what you were asking for?
(If not I can always edit it! And yes I'm doing the rest of the part)

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