yandere Streber x reader part 3

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Welp here we go , sorry if they are any mistakes

Non binary Reader

Your pov-
"It's a deal" i said as i shooked  Ignacios hand.(was that the man's name ?!😭 The fine old ish grumpy looking mf)
"Don't worry darling we'll get him back to you but be aware he won't be the same as you remembered all you have to do is help us out ,your first task is break bob velseb out" he said as he put on his hood .
"Of course sir " i said as i grabbed the robe and necklace.
I put them on ,it was the same as the other cultist, im only doing this fro streber i don't care if it costs my life.
I put on the hood as i was handed a picture of this bob velseb.
He was currently in a jail cell ,he was part of them so i had to help him out.
I checked to see if anyone was around but the coast was clear.
I started coming closer to the Police station .
It was kinda weird wearing this robe and all ,i was now on top of a tree as i saw the last cops leave for something.
I was not sure what for but it was my chance.
I saw as the police car then left.
I jumped off the tree and broke the cameras before it could even get me.
After i did it to all of them .
I tried to find the cells.
After a few minutes i found it, i was walking to find this bob velseb.
After the 4 th cell there he was.
He looked pretty insane.
"Is this bob velseb?" I said as he quickly turned around.
"Finally they sent someone! " He said holding onto the bars.
I took out the keys i stole earlier to unlock him.
"I've heard your a canibbal so i got you this " i said as i pulled out part of a man's chest.
I saw him drool as he saw the meat and took it.
I saw him eat it as if he was starving.
"Thank you i really needed that" he said with a sweet smile.
"No problem we have to help each other and why not a first good impression" i chuckled a bit.
"Be quiet or they'll kill us! " I heard someone whisper yell.
I went to the 6th cell to see what that was about and I saw a skinny guy and chubby guy wearing pillow cases.
the chubby man pointed at me with clear fear as the other one turned around.
"Do you know them?" I said to bob as he stared at them.
"Well they are some random people i tried eating " he shrugged.
I decided to let them out ,i unlocked the cell as they still stayed there.
"Hurry up we have to leave before they come back" i said as i started to leave with Bob back to the cultist.
I left the station with Bob as i saw the 2 others finally leave and headed another direction.
"So your new in the cult?" Bob said looking at me .
"Well yes , i only joined to be with the one who has died .."i said feeling like i was going to cry remembering it again.
"No need to cry these people will maybe help you get what you want all you got to do is complete your task" bob said as he hugged me for comfort.
"Thanks Bob and I forgot to introduce myself my name is (y/n) "  i said .

Time skip -

I have been hanging out with Bob more ,he became my best friend after a while.
We've completed missions and tasks together after all that.
"(Y/n) you'll shall receive what you wanted but you will still have to be part of us for the rest of your life ,if you not wish to continue you will be taken away the prize and your life " some guy with black hair with two ends said .(skids dad)
I'm guessing he was more likely one of the bosses or something.
"Of course sir " i said as i bowed down.

Another time skip hahah-

I was talking with Bob on how it sometimes sucks to be undercover and all that as he agreed we were not wearing the robes we were just chilling at a random bench in the night.

"(N/n)?  I heard a familiar voice say behind me .
I slowly turned around to see streber but he looked different.
I felt my eyes start to water seeing him alive.
He stretched his arms out for me to hug him.
I took the chance,i quickly got up from my seat and tackled him with a hug.
"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry" i said really quickly as i felt my tears roll down from my face.
"Hey ..it's okay" he said as he patted my back.
"You look so different,how did you get that scar in your eye ,i love what you did with your hair" streber added.
I giggled with his comments.
Then i realized he had sharp theet and a really dark red eyes.
"(Y/n) i have to ask you something....why do I crave the thirst for blood.."he whispered into my ear.
He wasn't the regular old streber no more.
I felt his sharp fangs quickly bite me unexpectedly.
I yelled in pain of the sudden action as bob got up to separate me and streber.
"I-im sorry I'm not sure what came over me " streber said as he wiped the blood off his mouth.
Bob handed me a tissue to use for the bit.
It hurted like hell but it doesn't matter all that matters that streber is back.

"You alright (n/n)" bob said as he looked at the bite and then gave a death stare to streber.
"Yea it was just some accident "i giggled a bit out of pain.

"Back off they are mine!" Steber said as he  snatched me out of bobs arms.

I chuckled seeing streber was now overprotective now.
"Prove it" bob said as he looked at him serious.
I was then gasping for air after the long kiss streber have me .
I heard bob laughing as he saw how desperate streber was.

"I'll be with you forever now" streber said holding me as bob tried controlling his laughter.

At least i got him back .

There a happy ending 😸

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