? x reader part 3

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Since y'all were basically begging for the bang bang action here you go.

Sadly many of my smuts aren't short (makes it better i think)

3 months Time skip

Your pov-
I was tired after my day shift on my job.
I was now married to Dexter as well.
It was good having 2 husbands but it was a bit annoying and funny when they fought for me.
I opened the door of the house we decided to buy for us 3 .
It was a lovely house great amount of bathroom and windows.
Their we're about 5 bedrooms most were used for storage and other stuff ,both my husband's thought about having kids and have them grow up in this house.
Well i didn't mind at all i was just pretty afraid in dying during me giving birth.

"I'm home!" I said as i heard quick footsteps coming towards me.

"Honey your home !" Dexter said as he hugged me.
I hugged him back as i felt arms behind me.
"Welcome back darling "i heard Bob's voice say as it send a bit of a good chill trough my spine.

"Hey Dexter and bob" i said as i kissed both of them.

I headed to our bedroom as the followed behind me, wasn't sure why .

As i entered they quickly closed the door as it startled me.
"WOAH- WAIT NO ! NO ! NO ! "I said as i turned around seeing them smirking.
I knew what this meant and i wasn't ready.
It would be a bit painful for my bottom since it would have been my first time.
"WE CAN TALK ABOUT IT !"I said as i backed away a bit in a sweaty state.
"No need for thinking (y/n) ,your promised ~" bob said as they both got closer.

Time skip (skipping the fun time)

Jk i know y'all are hungry for this lol

"Um...i.. look a chicken!" I said pointing at a random corner but they didn't turn around.
I felt their hands on me .
Oh Lord pray for my legs ,my pussy and ass(feels weird saying the word)
I felt bobs thick fingers around my chest as he kissed my neck.
Dexter was kissing me in the lips using his tongue as he reached for my waist.

I felt bob take off my bra as he played with my breast and i moaned into the kiss .
I felt Dexter smirk as he now let go and both of us catch our breaths.
Bob then kissed me as he used tongue but went rougher.
I felt my shirt being taken off as Dexter kissed my breast and i moaned a bit from the sensitivity of them.

They both stop as we all toke our clothes off ,mine was forced off actually.
"hah! Mine is bigger!" Dexter said as bob rolled his eyes.
"It ain't about the size it's about how good we pleasure our wife" bob told Dexter .
"You probably don't even know how to use it, virgin!" Bob added .
"How do you know I hadn't had sex!" Dexter said as he looked at bob.
"Just look at you!" Bob said pointing as his skinny weak ish figure .
"Look at you!" Dexter yelled back as i covered my body feeling a bit imperfect about how it looked.

They both turned towards me.
"No no no ,no need to hide your prescious body ,love" Dexter said as he looked at me.
"Your body is the most perfect I've ever seen , darling" bob said as he looked at me as well.

"Thanks hubbies" i said as i felt them come closer.

I guess we are starting the 'fun' now.
I felt Dexter's member on me as it then slipped in my front entrance.
I moaned in pain and reaction.
"Shh shh , darling we're just starting" i heard Bob's voice from behind as i felt his in my other entrance.
I felt both of them stretch me out.
I felt a tear rolling down as Dexter wiped it off and bob kissed my neck.
I moaned as they kept thrusting in to me.
It felt pretty good but painful in the same time .
They kept hiding my sweet spots causing loud moans escaping out of my mouth.
I bit Dexter as i tried holding it longer .
Bob was basically carrying me for him and Dexter have a better access into me.
After a bit more thrusts i felt myself about to release.
After a few more i felt them released as i did as well.
I felt so good as their liquids filled me up .
I was then let go back to the ground as they pulled out.
I thought maybe it was just this but i was wrong.
Bob carried me as he face me in the ceiling as my head hanged from the bed.
"Nice to see you" Dexter said as i felt bob enter me from Infront.
I felt Dexter's member in my mouth.
I felt a bit of struggle to breathe as he moved in and out as well .
I then realized i could breath from my nose which i started to as i kinda chocked on Dexter's members as my moaning was muffled.
I felt myself drool at the feeling and taste .
It wasn't that bad like i thought.it was going to be.
After a few more thrusts i felt Dexter released into my mouth as i swallowed his liquid.
He then pulled out leaving a few cum trace.
I breathed out of my mouth and moaned as i felt myself about to release as bob got faster in thrusting.
After a few more he released into me .
I felt his liquid mix into mine before he also pulled out and placed me in bed in a comfy position as Dexter started snuggling into me ,bob did the same.
It didn't matter that we were naked ,well for me i guess.
I felt a bit of pain in my legs and jaw ,i won't be able to walk for a while.
"Love you sweetheart"
"Love you more darling"
"I love both of you idiots equally" i Chuckled a bit before closing my eyes to rest.

It's about to be 4 am in like 15 minutes lol

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