Radford × non binary Reader

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I'll be using they/them (sorry if u get mistaken 😓

Your pov-
I was Roy's older sibling , he could be mean to anyone and in the same time  he was a softie towards me.
Today my parents told me to go with Roy.
I didn't mind at all of course ,it wouldn't be to bad .
Except for the fact that I'll be with younger teens .
But they aren't that bad i think..
Roy grabbed my hand as i said bye to my parents.
Roy really wanted to see his friends.
He acted like he didn't care about them but i knew he did .
He let go of my hand once we reached there .
He really wants to keep a "cool" record /image .
I never Minded it since he never really did anything to hurt me.
"Hey guys,my sibling (y/n) is coming with us " Roy said as Robert stared at you as he waved at you with a smile.
Ross just nodded as he waved a hello to you which you responded.
"So where are we headed boys? Also don't worry about paying i have plenty of money to waste on all 3 of you " i said with some joy.
"How about we got to the movies my brother works there and I heard theirs this (f/m/g) (favorite movie genre)" You heard Robert say to you .
"I've never seen many of them i see why not " Ross said with Roy just nodded.
We started walking to the movie theater.
You've never been here so you just followed the boys to guide you.
You were in the counter waiting to get service.
"Rad you here! " You heard Robert say as you were using your phone.
"Yea? ,Who's asking" a male said before he realized it was his younger brother.
"Oh hey Robert , what movie are you watching with you friends? " He said .
"Four tickets to watch (random movie name) " .
"Who's the 4th on-" he looked at your direction as you lifted your head from your device.
He froze for a bit.

Radford's pov-
Am i in heaven or am I seeing a fallen angel....
I felt my face get warm when I saw them.
They looked like a masterpiece.
I want them to be my soulmate
Please be a love at first sight-
"Hey big bro you okay? , You've been starting at (n/n) for a 3 minutes now.." i heard Robert say.
I shook my head back to reality.
"Yea ! Of course I'm fine i just thought....nvm here's your tickets" i said handing them the tickets.
"Sorry but what was the total for the tickets" i heard them say with a nervous smile.
Shit i forgot to give them the price!
I mentally hit myself in the head.
"Oh it was 12 dollars! " I said feeling like i was sweating .
Does these 3d glasses make me look funny?
What do they think of me ??
I kept asking questions to myself.
"Alright , here you go um...sir..? " They said handing me the money.
"It's Radford" i said as i grabbed the cash from them and touched their hand .
I felt like i was about to pass out..
"Alrighty then see you around Radford also nice glasses you got" they said as they started to leave to watch the movie with my brother and his friends.
But they also mentioned how good my glasses look!!
I will have to ask my brother for them...

Time skip -
My shift was over as i headed home seeing Robert and my sister there .
I quickly grabbed Robert as i apologized to my sister for taking Robert.
She just rolled her eyes playfully as she sat watching her favorite show.
"What's the problem you look like your going insane " Robert said at my state.
I will be honest i looked like a mess ,i did run all the way home. I Shaked my head to get the leaves out of my hair.
"I must know their name " i said as Robert processed a bit.
"Oh! You must mean (y/n) , they are Roy's older sibling, yk those rich jerks? They are there parents , Don't worry (n/n) isn't like them , they actually works as a doctor and is trying to find a cure for our younger sister!" Robert said happy that they were a doctor able to help our sister.
"Wait you catched feeling for them?!" Robert then said.
"Woah did i hear you finally found someone?!" I heard Robin said as my face started to heat up.

Another time skip-
After convincing Robert to give me their address i headed to their house dressed properly but still had my 3d  glasses .
I was now in front of their house.
It was a nice Rich looking one i was lucky their weren't any gates yet since i saw some construction of it.
I knocked on the door and it was opened by a adult male.
"Who are you? What is your business?" He said with a demanding voice.
"Oh..i umm...c-came here for (y/n)" i said letting out my breath i didn't know I was holding.
"I'll get them here " he said eyeing st me with disgust.
I then heard their sweet voice.
"Oh hello Radford! , What you doing here? " They said smiling at me .
"I wanted to ask you out ,i know we just met but i swear it's my treat and I'll make it worth you time " i said pleading as i handed them the
bouquet of beautiful flowers.
I closed my eyes not wanting to hear if they completely rejected me with disgust.
I felt something on my cheek ,it turned out they kissed my cheek! I turned pretty red .
"Of course I'll go out with you , after all i do believe at love at first sight" they said as the hugged me thighly .
I hugged them back and smiled widely they accepted me.

Nice i think -

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