yandere streber x reader

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Requested as a Non binary Reader and smut.
Sorry for any mistakes i decided to add a bit more different type of things

Your pov-

I was currently in the park trying to get my mind off whatever just happened home.
My parents were fighting once again, they always fought and fought ,i sometimes got hurt when trying to protect any of them from getting hurt.
But this time they went even more violent,i had a bit of a cut that was leaking.
It wasn't to deep but i was loosing blood ,i sat as i tied my second shirt to try to help the wound.
It won't be so bad out here i guess.
I shivered on how cold it was ,i couldn't go to the hospital since my parents will just blame each other even more.
I prefer to do anything by myself.
I felt like someone was watching me ,i turned around to see nobody .

It didn't matter i guess ,if i got killed and kidnapped i would most likely just be freed from the pain.
It may be dark but look in the bright side is what lots of people say.

I felt hands wrap around me ,i was startled but then inhaled the air that was mixed with his perfume.

Streber,i was correct when i turned around and saw his face close to me.
I blushed at that as he chuckled grabbing me tighter.

"Hey (n/n)!" He said as he snuggled my head into his.
"Oh hey streber.." i said as i applied more pressure to the wound.

I could see he started noticing the wound.

"Oh my (n/n) your bleeding!!" He nearly panicked as he went to check in it.
He knew i wasn't a hospital lover so he wanted to help me as much as possible.
He carried me to his house in a hurry without even asking me or anything.
I just giggled as i grabbed into his neck.
Once you both arrived into his place he placed you in the couch gently as he went downstairs and came back with a medkit .
He grabbed the disinfecter as he tried to stitch a bit if the wound up .
I just groaned in pain as he apologized.
Once he was done he put in some bandages and sat next to me.
I closed my eyes as i tried to think to myself but all of the sudden i felt strebers breath on me.

"(N/n) i can't hold it any longer.." he said randomly.
I opened my eyes as he came closer to my face.
I felt his lips in mine as he tried to get an entrance.
I mean yes i did have a crush on him but i was currently dating someone....
I pulled away in guilt as i saw himself get embarrassed.
"I'm sorry streber you know I'm dating someone right now" i said covering myself as it started to feel awkward.
He apologized more than i did as he got up and told me i can take the guest room.
I wanted to hug him for comfort but it wasn't a good time,i headed to the room and was careful to not hurt myself, i started to fall asleep.

Strebers pov -


I thought as threw my stuff off my desk as in embarrassment and anger filling me up.
It wasn't fair my precious (n/n) was taken by another guy that wasn't me.
I've been with them for longer than that person.
I have just waited for the perfect chance but now i see they have been taken away from me..
I mean their is one way... ,I started thinking.
I smiled as i started to plan in killing their recent 'lover' ,it wasn't the first time after all..

Time skip -

I broke the guys window as i slowly entered , i Walked slowly since i knew i already made noise with the window.
I headed to where i thought was the bedroom,i guessed right when I saw him sleeping in his bed.
I stared at him with hatred as he slept after a few minutes he started to move and wake up .
I set on position as he was rising i quickly smacked him with the metal bat i found surely knocking him out .
I dragged his body , luckily i was lucky i didn't leave any blood anywhere or evidence except for this note .
I dragged his body to the basement as i harsly threw him walking down.
,I could finish the job here .
I thought as i grabbed the bat once again eyeing the male they loved..
I'm doing this for them but mostly for me...
I smashed the head hard as i could repeatly as i chuckled seeing the guys brain parts jump out with lots of blood splatting on me.
I smiled at my job .
I washed my hands as i dropped the bat and cleaned myself.
I locked the basement door once i left my shoes inside.
I started heading upstairs to go to sleep all i have to do was wait for a few days til he is reported missing.
I started to sleep as i imagined my sweetheart (y/n) with me happily.

Another time skip!!

Your pov-

I've headed back home a week a go i haven't seen my boyfriend at all ,he was reported missing by his parents due to a note he had lefted about hating everyone including me..
It broke my heart i must say , streber let me visit him daily and comforted me.

"I'm so sorry to hear he said that to you..." He said as we say in the couch cuddling.
"It's alright streber..." I said wiping my tears away as i cuddled into him even more.
"I could treat you better (n/n).. " he said .
I stared into his eyes feeling like he was lying but i could see his serious expression that he wasn't.
I got lost into his eyes as i felt his lips into mine.

(Just prepare yourself :})

I accepted the kiss this time as he slowly started to go onto off me.
I knew what he wanted and it didn't bother me at all .
He was always there when i needed help or comfort.
Why not give him a chance ,i could feel his tongue slip into my mouth showing dominance over me.
He was inpatient,i could feel his member already poking out as i saw him blushing with his funny cute little smile.
"C-can i?.." he said as i nodded.
He didn't waste a second as he jumped against my entrance (i mean the ass area everyone has one right 😭)
I felt him move on to my neck and started bitting me and leaving dark marks .
I moaned in a bit of pain when he did both at once.

Strebers pov-

I finally had the chance to be with them ,i didn't want to waste any time ,i felt so turned on by them ,i didn't care about anyone else but them.
All i had to do was murder someone else for them.
They moaned as i bit their neck and rubbed my member into their sensitive areas .
I took off my bottom clothes as i did theirs too as in pants and underwear.
I flipped them over so they could be back facing me as i slowly entered them form behind,i could hear them moan in pain and satisfaction,i licked the tear off their as they smiled allowing me to move .
I could hear them moan my name every once in the while or bite their arm to hold it in.
I was going in a medium pace and started becoming faster and rougher i wrapped my arms into their chest going deeper into them as they screamed a bit more for the unexpected move.
(Doggy style hahah-)

"Shh shh sweetheart..I'm almost done". I whispering into their ears .

I started going slower and slower than released into them as they moaned louder feeling my liquids fill them up.
The became tired as well did i being out first time , i pulled out as some.of my liquids left them.
I smiled at my doings as i put on my pants and theirs and cleaned up the bit off mess. As they started taking a nap i took them upstairs to my room and laid them their as i turned off the lights sleeping next to them.
And slowly closing my eyes .

Your pov-

I woke up feeling a little bit better and still a bit tired i got up seeing streber was still sleeping i was a bit hungry so i decided to get some snacks ,i saw he had many options but i grabbed the strawberries,maybe i should make some chocolate for it.
I was cutting the green part off the strawberries ad i accidentally cut myself.
What an idiot (y/n)!
I cleaned it with water as i still had a bit of pain , where was his medkit again?.
I then remembered his basement where he came out with it last time ,the door was locked but i guessed his password which was the day we both met , it was nice to think about the past.
I turned on the lights and went a bit down,it smelled funky and like a rotten meat down here , i had wide eyes seeing dried blood and about 2 skeletons and a rotting corpse .
I was scared and shocked i almost felt like vomiting,forget the band aid!.
I headed upstairs as i turned off the lights and closed the door quickly.
I calmed myself down as i then got scared by a smiling streber.
"I see you've seen how much I'll do just to be with you .." he said as he started gripping into me and kissed my lips .

" Your so called lover never loved you like i did i just had to eliminate him like the others!" He said with a chuckle.

It made since now...all the people I've dated being gone and hating me...
I felt myself tear up and become scared in what would streber could do to me .

"No need to worry,just stay calm sweetheart" he said whispering into my ears

Another one done 🫠

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