? x reader

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Why did i put ? because I'm not sure if it is Dexter x reader or reader x bob Soo i put ? but enjoy you'll know why .

But it's a female reader

Nobody's pov-

"I'm going to marry her when we grow up" said a kid with glasses as he talked to a chubby kid next to him.
"And I'll be your best man!" The chubby kid chuckled as the boy with glasses stared at the (h/c) girl that was playing with the sand .

Hella big Time skip -

After a separation of the 2 boys and the little girl they grew apart til one of them met up.
"Oh my- (y/n) is that you?!" Said the boy all growned up.
"# is it really you?!" The female said as she smiled and hugged the man.
They started hanging out more often as they felt a connection.
"Hey (y/n) ...i have to confess im starting to have feelings for you" the male Said as the female kissed his lips.
"I did as well ever since we were kids!" The (s/c) female said as she was being showered by the males kisses.

Dexter's pov-
I saw as my love of my life in a beautiful wedding dress walk in the Isle.
Oh how much i loved (y/n) .
How much i cared for her.
How much i adored her .
How i would give my whole world for her.
Be with her til death.
I saw her in her sweet smile as people smiled seeing her beauty.
As much as i wanted to make her mine i knew deep down i wasn't hers.
Nor did i have her heart or love .
I saw as bob and (y/n) kissed happily as the people cheered for them becoming officially married.
I was one of the groomsmen in the wedding .
I cheered knowing my heart was broken in many pieces.

"A toast for my best friends in happily being married!" I said as people got their attention on me as (y/n) and bob did as well.
"My friend (y/n) who i cared for the most  the most ,i hope that bob the groom to love my dearest friend with all his heart, for him to take really good care of her and to give her the whole world, something many man wouldn't give to her i am happy that they got together and i hope they have a beautiful future and family..Be the best man for her bob " i said as (y/n) and the others cheered or awed for me.

After the party i left not even saying goodbye i felt many tears roll down from my face as i left.
Cause i knew it would shatter my heart even more if i said goodbye to her forever.
As much as i loved her i knew by the end of the day she would be with someone better than me.
I hope bob gives (y/n) the love i couldn't give to her even if it kills me and pains me to watch her smile and adore someone who wasn't me.

No words needed
It wasn't request but i decided to make it

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