Dexter +(x)fem reader

562 11 18


Fluff + slight lemon

Your pov

I yawned as i approached the door of my house I looked for my key,checking my pockets I reached into my jacket's right pocket and found my key.I smiled at the thought that i didn't lose it,i placed it in the keyhole and spun it til it unlocked then opened the door once i heard the familiar click.

I didn't pay much focus on anything so specifically, someone could have been getting murdered and i could have passed it without realizing, all i knew was it was definitely night time , since thats what the time i always got off out of work.

I yawned and closed the door once i got inside locking it and lazily placing the keys on a nearby base cabinet(idk how to call them ).

I felt so tired i swear i could just sleep on the floor comfortably and possibly sleep through a crazy storm like normal type of sleep.

I didn't bother to even go to my room,all the way upstairs,it was pretty tiring to do , especially in this condition, i headed to the living room and turned on the tv ,my eyes slightly burning at the lights of it ,i placed a song on a low volume to not wake up anyone,i stretched a bit and reated my head on one of the pillow cushions and slowly closed my eyes as the music helped quite a bit


I felt the ray of sun hit me right in the face , basically burning my eyes and burning my eyes once I opened them I winced and got up to rub them I'm pretty sure dexter moved me to the bed.

"Are you alright love?" Dexter said holding a bitten piece of dry waffle ,i turned to look at him and smiled ,it felt as if he just made my morning good.

His silly skinny messy haired self standing there with worry for me ,he always cared about me and i found it adorable.

"Of course dex , just the fucking sun in my eyes" i chuckled weakly due to not sleeping much.

He walked closer towards me and sat on the bed next to me. "Want some?" He asked still munching on the waffle he took a bite of and offered me some.

"Thanks hun but i prefer to eat it with syrup and butter" you said kissing his forehead as he chuckled a little and gave me more pecks.


"Leaving already?" I wined as i saw him getting on his uniform , "well im just going 20 minutes early, just incase ,i don't want to have a failure and be take long and get screamed at for being late " he said due to past experience.

I looked at him and saw how that uniform looked a bit tighter on him It seemed to have shrunken due to how tight ish it looked against his body, giving a perfect view I raised a brow as he didn't notice how sexy he looked in it .

"Dexter ,how about a few minutes together? Really fast?~" I said approaching him , he turned and gave me a face of nervousness knowing what it might lead to.

He backed away a few steps as i went closer to him ,he raised his hands in protest.

My eyes focused on his body and how submissive he would be under my control,the thoughts fuled the growing lust , after all we haven't done it in quite a while.

"(Y/n) sweetheart what did we talk about last month?" He said with a nervous chuckle.

Last month,we both pleasured ourselves costing him to get late to work and a angry person talking about a rat eating their cheese.

He only had 20 minutes so why not waste half on something better than being super early .

"C'mon dexter ,i know you want this as much as i do" i said as i saw his back against the wall , i pressed my body onto him slowly and touched his crotch with my knee lightly as i heard a whiny moan exit his mouth as i smirked.

"(Y/nnn)~" he moaned out looking at me with pleading eyes, i guess he's been wanting it as well ,he grabbed onto my waist as i pulled his collar down for a kiss, forcing myself into his mouth, giving the lead as he bended down lightly to deepened the kiss .

His hands traveled around my body as i then felt something poke my knee making me smirk into the kiss knowing how much he is enjoying this.

I stopped the kiss and slowly got on my knees as i slowly unzipped his uniform.

I could see how red he started becoming already with the thoughts of pleasure ,i winked at him as i pulled down his boxers making his visible erection to me,i didn't have s second thought as i started liking his tip, making him whine a bit in pleasure,i started to tease him a bit as i liked his tip in circles .

"(Y/n) ,please" he moaned out weakly looking down at me with half opened eyes, he was getting desperate by the hand near my head.

I decided to take as much as i could leaving dexter to let out whiny groans and moans as i bobbed my head a bit of his guidance with his hand pushing my head lightly and his grip on my hair.

I could see him drooling and slightly rolling his eyes back and his head tilting back at the feeling of good pleasure he was feeling.

After a few minutes he started gripping my hair more meaning he was close to his climax.

"Mmm~ i think im gonna-" he cut himself off as i then felt his warm thick liquid on my mouth, he pulled out lightly as i kept my mouth open ,he emptied himself in my mouth as i gladly drank it and wiped my mouth and got up.

Just as i was about to take more lead and full dominance over him his phone rang and he quickly got dressed again.

"Crap! I lost track of time!!" He said as he rushed even more.

He picked up the phone and answered it, after the call he Pecked my lips .

"Maybe another day we'll continue,bye love!" He said rushing out of the house.



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