Enjoy i guess

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non binary unlucky black cat Reader!!
Why because it's Friday the 13th !
Yk who likes cats (i think) 😏

Your pov-

I felt tears rolling down my face ,i felt the need to end this embarrassment.
I didn't expect to be covered in mud and made fun of earlier not only that.
My phone was no longer functional, someone hit my face,i lost my money and to make it worse i never got to get the job.
I got up of the floor as my hair was now messy.
This was just another thing of my curse.

Let me just tell you.


I was already in a rush ,i lived so i had to be taking care of myself.
I would always try to make my life just a bit better but i always failed.
I put on a headband that made my ears go down as i tried my best to hide my tail .
With just a 'poof' it would have been gone.
So i did ,it worked but not for long .
Just enough time to go outside for once in a while.
You may be wondering why am I in such a hurry ,well I've been waiting to work for a while now and i finally got a appointment with a good paying job , after all i was smart.
I think.
I put in some good styled clothes that was meant to look professional or good .
It didn't matter .
I put on my shoes and grabbed my applications and all my info i stuffed them in a bag as i started rushing to the building.
The bus just left when i got there .
"Shit what do i do??" I said looking around.
"Think (n/n) think..or just walk" i said as i started running instead of running.
I didn't want to late for it.
Im not sure how i made it but i got there.

"Hey ,I'm here for a application are they still available?" I said to the main center.
"I'm sorry but we just found someone else ,maybe next time " i heard the lady say.
"But i applied and they said they had no one else wanting the job?!" I thought as i left.
I felt the wind hit me when i got out.
It was pretty cold i have to say.
"At least it's sunny " i said as i adored the flowers in a nearby garden but the flowers just turned into rotten material.
As if i angered the gods i felt droplets of water hit my skin making me jump.
"Well doesn't this make it better.." i said as i tried covering myself, i felt the rain just get worse with the breeze.
I was shivering,I'm going to catch a cold .
I was walking back home , before my ears and tail poofs back ,when water hits my skin ,it's a warning about my poofing coming in a hour.

"Haha is that (y/n) ?" I heard some females say.
I turned around as i saw 3 ladies that used to know me.
I was the laugh at school but not in the good way.
I felt one of them grab my hair as the other holded the umbrella to only her.
"Ow that hurts please stop -" i said with some pain.
I was let go by being thrown in the mud that was nearby.
It dirty me up really bad.
I saw the same female grab my purse.
"You wouldn't mind if I used this money to hmmm buy us something to drink? Thx...oh look at this her phone!" She said as she pulled out my phone that had my favorite show stickers.
"Ew it's effected with weirdo" the one in the back said.
I saw as she threw the phone into the street and of course a car just had to run it over.
"Ugh i got wet because of you, you receive did own me this money" she said as her and her group walked away complaining.
I got up weakly knowing this is probably just the start of my unluckiness.
I was going to go to the store but i don't think i can anymore.
I really wanted that new pastry they were adding.

Present -

That's pretty much it .
I grabbed my phone as i saw how broken it was.
I saw my hands that were covered in mud.
I was all soaked in rain mixed with mud.
After about 2 minutes i didn't feel the rain no longer hit me.
I was confused.
"Are you okay?" I heard a male say as i  turn around.
I saw it was a black haired male with glasses.
"I'm pretty sure I'll never be " i said as he helped me get up.
"I'm sorry to hear that, would you like for me to walk you home, i know your soaked but i wouldn't like it for someone really beautiful/handsome walk more in the rain" he said with a smile as he covered both of us.
"You sure...um.."
"Dexter , pleasure to meet you" he said as we started walking to my house.
"I'm (y/n) ,nice to meet you too Dexter " i said as he handed me the umbrella.
"Hold this give me a second " he said as i grabbed the umbrella.
"Please don't let the wind blow it away , please.." i thought as i saw Dexter take off his sweater and handed it to me.
"Here take this!"
"No, i would never! You keep it on!" I said as i tried giving to him back but he placed it on me.
And he grabbed the umbrella and still covered both of us.
I felt bad the guy i just met is suffering in the cold.
But i felt my heart warm up at his kindest.
We chatted for a while before we got to my house.
"Please come inside " i said as he did.
"Thanks (y/n) " he said closing his umbrella.
"No ,thank YOU ,you were nice to me ,I've never felt cared by someone ,Yea you might be a stranger but i don't mind " i said as i grabbed a nearby towel to dry my hair a bit.
"Please sit or go into the kitchen and get something,i need to take a shower if you don't mind " i said heading to the bathroom.

Dexter's pov-

I felt bad seeing them in this state,yes their a stranger but it doesn't make them bad.
I looked around their house as i saw it was filled with nice stuff,i saw their was some broken mirrors and pots and dead flowers.
I decided to clean the broken pots and give them new fresh flowers later on .
I saw many things out of place as if a storm went inside.
I might as well waste some time i said as i started to clean their stuff.
Hope they won't mind.

Time skip-

Your pov-

Their was only cold water and small towels that shrunk in the dryer.
I just continued my business cause u had a guest.
I noticed i had my car ears and tail out.
Input on my clothes as i tried poofing them away.
No use .
"C'mon stupid ting work" but nothing worked .
I grabbed a random blanket in my room as i covered my whole body with it.
I will just have to hope he doesn't notice.
I headed to the living room assuming he was there which he was ,he was reading some magazine i had out.
He looked kinda cute ,i felt my tail wave a bit as i thought of it.
"Oh I didn't see you there!" He said as he turned around with a smile.
I noticed my house looked less messier,did he clean it?!.
I walk to were a broken mirror was after i passed by it ,it broke even more alerting the male.
"Shit!" I felt myself trip on the blanket at i landed on my face.
"Oh my-" he said as he quickly got up to help me up.
"Are you oka-" he said before he stopped for a second.
I looked at him weird before i felt i no longer had my blanket.
"Are those real?" He said as i covered myself.
He petted me ,i guess it was an instinct of his.
I felt myself adore the touch and like many cats like it i felt myself come closer to the male as i purred.
I haven't been petted at all and i love this one.
I felt myself warm up as i got closer to the male snuggling into him as my tail wrapped him softly.
He backed away with a yelp of pain.
"Ow-" i snapped out of it.
"I'm sorry,I'm just a weirdo you can just leave now before i rub my bad luck in you.." i said as i backed away feeling like it would be better.

"N-no i don't care if your even half cat or even bad luck ,your really beautiful/handsome" he said getting closer to me.
"You berly met me ,i will just destroy your life ,its better if you just leave " i said as he started walking but not to the door.
He walked towards me.
"I don't believe in love at first sight but i think i should give it a chance...i don't care about the bad luck you have ,if you suffer from it i would rather be here with you i feel like I've known you for so long , we have a great bond earlier and i absolutely adore cats especially black cats ,nobody is perfect " he said as he smiled with his teeth.
"See my teeth aren't even that straight nor my vision " he said he hugged me.
I felt myself tear up a bit ,yes i just met him a few hours ago but i guess it is love at first sight.
"Your really sweet.."i said as i inhaled his scent ,it was comforting.
I felt my tail wrapped him as well.
He petted me as he kissed my cheek.
"Why don't we watch a movie together?"he said as the lights then turned off.
"... sorry" i said .
"It's alright , we can just play hide and seek ,your it!  " He said with a Chuckle as he left to hide .
I felt myself giggle,i could see a bit of my things from my vision.
But i closed my eyes as i counted put loud.

I guess i just found a lucky charm


I promise tomorrow I'm doing ACTUAL REQUEST!


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