jack x fem reader

756 17 28

[Smut + fluff ??]

Your pov

"(Y/n) sweetheart! Im back!" I heard my boyfriend jack scream from the front door as he took off his jacket and hat placing it on the hanger.

"That's great! Dinner is almost ready!" I yelled from the kitchen as i was applying icing on the cupcakes i made for dessert.

After I placed the icing ,i reached out for the sprinkles and sprinkled it on the cupcakes before feeling a pair of arms wrapping around my waist.

"They smell delicious" he said placing his head on my shoulder and planting a kiss on my cheek as i chuckled a bit.

"You can lick the frosting off the spoon,if you want" i said as i grabbed the spoon that had the mixture of the handmade icing as jack smiled and grabbed it.

"Don't mind if i do" he said licking the spoon enjoying the flavor of the icing as i now placed the tomato sauce that was heating up on the pasta and then the meatballs mixing it up on the pot , stirring it so it goes all around.

After a bit i turn off the stove and turn bsck to jack.

"Foods ready! Can you set up the plates darling?" I said as he nodded and placed the spoon in the sink and went to grab the dishes from the top cabinet and 2 cups for us both.

I grabbed the forks from the drawer and served the spegetti and meatballs on the plates that were set on the table ,i closed the pot eith a lid so it won't get cold to fast or any bugs getting in as jack now placed the cups on the table.

I handed him the utensils for him to use as he served both of us punch [or lemonade zor whatever you like].

We enjoyed our moment in eating and having a bit of conversations about our days.

After all that i went to wash the dishes,the dishwasher wasn't working properly so i had to wash them by hand.

As i was scrubbing a plate i felt arms wrap around my waist once again but this time i was given a soft kiss in my collarbone as i felt jack press there body against mine.

"Jack hun? What are you doing?" I said as i continued to wash the plate as if i did not feel a bit turned on.

"It's been a couple weeks since we last..well you know~" he said in a sweet seductive tone.

I felt his hands travel up near my chest as something picked my ass making me drop the plate in surprise.

Only a bit broke as i washed my hands to get rid of the soap.

"..are you sure you want to right now?" I said as i faced him as he grabbed my chin lifting my head to face him.

"Im sure,really sure" he said bringing me into a passionate kiss feeling myself get pressed against the counter with one of his legs in between my legs ,his knee rubbing a bit against the fabric of my panties .

I smiled lightly as i felt the heat rising to my face.

Jack took the chance now seeing i was pretty red and kissed my neck slightly.

"Let's go to the bedroom sweetheart~" he whispered into my ear as i nodded and he carried me by grabbing my thighs and legs .

Both my arms and legs were now wrapped around him as he took both of us into our shared bedroom.

He then pinned me down the bed after closing the door.

Grabbing both my hands and placing both of them aboutimy head as he spreaded me legs more so he could position himself between them.

I could feel his buldge against me now.

I knew i wanted this even more.

I groaned a bit as he chuckled.

"Relax sweetie I'll do the moving this timw, i wouldn't want you to get too tired" he said as i nodded and he removed my pants slowly and carefully then my panties.

He saw how wet i was and did a small smirk.

"Your pretty wet" he chuckled lightly as i blushed a bit in embarrassment and closed my legs and sat up.

"I didn't mean it in a bad way love, i actually love it" he said getting on his knees near my legs caressing my thighs.

"Open those precious legs of yours , I'm craving your taste" he Said seductively as i nodded and jack kissed my inner thigh making more shivers come.

My legs open wider now wanting it.

Jack opened my vulva and with two fingers spreading the folds before they entered me causing me to get a bit startled at the feeling eith satisfaction.

A small moan left my mouth as he made eye contact with me and smiled.

After a bit of pleasuring fingering he got closer and started licking the inside giving a new type of satisfaction.

His tongue worked like magic than his fingers could.

They went in a perfect pattern and pace.

Moans escape my mouth as i grabbed his head a bit gripping on his hair a bit feeling my legs wrap around his head wanting more of the pleasure.

I slowly leaned bsck not being able to hold it in.

That's when a felt close to my climax.

My stomach feeling twisted and the urge to let go and release.

After a few seconds it did,i climax on his mouth letting out the loudest moan than before as jack licked his lips and his fingers left inside of me .

"You taste delicious sweetheart but now i think i deserve to feel you in another way" he said unbuckling his belt as his pants dropped and he took off his underwear revealing the growing buldge.

The tip had some precum on it.

He wanted me badly now.

After putting on protection jack aligned himself near my pussy and entered me slowly as i gasped at the feeling.

"Tell me if it starts to hurt" he kissed my forehead before fully entering.

I squealed a bit but then i let him start.

So he did ,he slowly and carefully thrust inside of me every 3 minutes checking if u was okay.

Whispering sweet stuff .

Many compliments of my body,how good i was and how i was the best thing for him.

Once again i could feel myself close and i gave him a little heads up.

I could hear him groan a bit as he thrusted a bit more faster but still being gentle.

With a few final thrusts both of us released and he pulled out after releasing on the condom and then throwing it away.

"I love you (y/n)" he said holding me close under the blanket kissing me on the forehead.

"I love you too jack"


The next day he spoiled you with gifts and treated you like a queen .

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