(----) x reader

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Its obvious (----) means you add in a character.

Why? Cuz I'm not doing a specific character on the smut [for this one]

Free smut lol ..well more like lemon bit idrk

I said i was trying new ways-

I suck at these still... at least I'm not using member anymore.

I would have added kinks but since it is a (----) then idk what kinks to use 🙇

Your pov

It was a pretty boring day .

I was alone,very Alone since my boyfriend (----) wasn't here.

He was busy doing something.

Either something stupid or serious... they was far away doing something for vacation or whatever as you stayed at your house you shared with them

Meanwhile I stayed home doing nothing, i didn't even feel like cooking today.

Everything was boring, straight uo boring.

I looked at my phone seeing it ringing with {lover's nickname} on it .

Of course i quickly answered and saw there face.

They didn't seem like they were busy.

More like resting somewhere.

Somehow looked familiar.

"How are you doing (y/n)" they said looking at my messy self.

"It's pretty boring but now since your calling me im much happier!" You gave them a smile.

They smiled as well as you saw their eye twitch a bit with a small groan following after that.

"Woah you okay (----)??" You said stopping yourself from playing with the filters.

"Mhmm~" they said making a slight weird expression.

I decided to play with the filters a bit more leaving Silence.

Well not quite silents ,since i head a few whimpers in the call.

"Okay are you sure your okay?" I said now concerned.

"Y-yes ,one thing can you say what you like a-bout me-" they said as the call went to voice instead of video.

"Mm sure! I love you very much! Ever since the day I've met you ,i felt like you were the one , seems like i was right, you pretty much understand me -" i was interrupted by a few moans in the call.

"(---) ,honey are you alright?" You said as they just weakly hummed a 'yes'.

That's when you realized ehat they were doing in the other side of the call.

You felt your face heat up.

"(----)? Turn on your camera.." you said hoping it was something else.

"W-why?" They said in a quiet hushed tone.

"Just turn it on" you repeat it as they did.

You saw there face was a blushy mess.

A few sweat drops in there forehead as well.

You sighed a bit before saying

"Lowe down the camera sweetheart" they obeyed slowly lowering down the camera showing you they were currently touching themselves for you.

"You make me feel some sorta way~" the groaned a bit ,they looked a bit embarrassed as well.

"Don't change the camera i want you to finish yourself for me" you asked sweetly just making them feel more turned on and smiled.

"Mhmm~" they said touching themselves even more as you watched.

"C'mon let me hear those moans" you said a bit seductive liking their messy state.

They only nodded closing one eye as pleasure seemed to take over them as more moans came out of them.

I decided to just add a bit more for them to enjoy.

I reached up my shirt and lifted it up , touching my bare chest for them.

"It would've been better if you here to touch me" you chuckled a bit as they nodded with desire .

"Show me more? Im almost done~" they said a bit out of breathe.

"Finee" you responded lowering down your phone to show them your lower region.

They smiled wider enjoying the view.

You could here them get close to their climax as you touched yourself a bit for there pleasure.

"I-im really cl-ose~" the moaned out as you just smiled at there face full of satisfaction.

After a few minutes you saw them release.

"Can't wait to go back home" they said as you stop doing what you were doing and played with the filters again.

"Can't wait til you return! Maybe something special is waiting for you" you gave them a kiss through the camera before both of you Said your goodbyes.

One thing for sure, when they came back he did have a special surprise from you leaving both of you in bed tired.


Ummm yeeee
I did this when i was half asleep 💁

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