streber × male reader

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This was requested
Also it's a vampire male reader :}

Your pov-
I fell from the roof i was sleeping upsidedown in , i landed on my bed thankfully.
I saw my timer seeing it was the afternoon already.
I wore my necklace my parents gave to me before passing away.
They wanted to leave this cruel earth.
They told me i should carry on the last of our species , this necklace contained part of them which would have helped me .
They risked their life's and made this necklace so i wouldn't die in the sun.
I was thankful for that , they were always thoughtful.
I heard today was Halloween so i wouldn't be worried if my fangs showed or not.
Maybe i can get a victim here.
I just have to be careful.
I headed outside seeing as the sun sets.
I was in my royalty uniform.
I was just the last kind of vampire,i was also a prince.
The royal ones were the only ones who can turn others.
By a scratch when their eyes turn green.
Or with a bite.
I walked out seeing lots of people walking.
I must say human food was delicious but not as delicious as blood with it.
I saw some kids with a skeleton costume and pumpkin costume running to me.
"Skid ! Skid ! Look a vampire!" The pumpkin kid said as i smiled revealing my fangs as they adored my figure.
"You have such a good costume for the spooky month!" The skeleton said.
"I'm sorry what's the spooky month?" I said clearly not knowing what it was.
I heard the children gasp in disbelief.
"He doesn't know what the spooky month is ?!" The skeleton kid said looking at the pumpkin kid.
"Don't worry we'll show you!" The pumpkin kid said.
"By the way in pump and this is skid '" pump added.
"I'm (m/n) " i said smiling
"First things first you must learn the dance , you bend your knees a bit and move like this ! " He said as he guided you to the dance .
After you perfected it the kids had a bright smile.
"Now let's watch a spooky movie!" Skid said as he took me to the theater.
Their was a male looking at me weird , probably cause of the dressing even if it was Halloween.
We got out tickets and went to watch Ooga Booga.
It was a pretty nice movie.
"Now let head to the haunted house! " They both said dragging me there.
We both went into the porch as we saw some green dust.
As a male appeared out of the door.
"Ah welcome to the hauntist of the haunted of houses ,as you can see I'm a real vampire he said dragging the kids and I.
Crap i can't be seen in the mirrors.
I saw the male cover himself with the green showing .
I saw the mirror as both me and the male weren't visible and pumps stem.
"Oh look (m/n) your also invisible! " Skid said .
They both headed to the haunted house inside.
"Wow how do you do your magic ? " You heard the male dressed in a vampire say.
"It will be rude if i don't get your name before i reveal the secret" i said .
I thought the male was cute especially in the vampire outfit.
Maybe he should be mine.
"Oh I forgot , the names streber!" He replied with a smile.
"I'm (m/n) ,i am a prince looking for my next prince or princess " i said eyeing him.
"I love your acting! It makes me wanna be your prince" he said giggling.
I heard footsteps coming from the side .
"Hello my devil fellow would you like to be spooked" streber said
"Did you know if you eat a human brain you'll get a disease similar to mad cow?" We both heard the devil guy say.
He looked at streber with a hungry starving stare as he started drooling.
He was about to attack streber but i attacked him.
I used my strength to hold his arms , i could feel my theet get sharper .
"What the-"  the devil guy said.
"You better not hurt him or i will drain you " i said as foam started to form in my mouth.
I could hear streber shocked as he looked at me.
"I've never seen a real vampire before ,i bet you'll taste delicious"  the devil guy said once again.
I just hit his joint in the arm and located his nervous system making his arm go numb , i heard his groan as i let him go , still in a protective stance i saw his eyes glow cyan before leaving.
I relaxed myself before facing streber.
"I promise i won't hurt you" i said as he just smiled?.
"Your an actual vampire?!" I heard him squeal as he went to hug me.
He isn't scared of me ?
I smiled as i hugged him back.
"Are there more of you?" He then said.
"Sadly no , I'm the last of my kind , i was looking for someone to reproduce and call them my prince , i guess you can say I'm a king since i was a prince " i responded.
"Oh sorry to hear that ,would you like to spook the children while your hear and maybe hang out later " he said fiddling with his hands.
"I see why not ,but i have to find something to eat , i won't hurt anyone i promise that , but i will be coming back after I've had my snack " i said before he grabbed my hand.
"You can drink my blood! " He quickly said.
"Are you sure about that? I wouldn't want to hurt you " i replied.
"I'm sure about it !" He said happily.
"Alrighty, but i will be careful in not turning you one ...yet " i Said was i whispered the yet.
"It's alright " he said pulling his neck for me to bite.
I went closer to him as i saw him get pink .
I insert my fangs into his neck as he moaned a bit .
I turned a bit pink hearing him .
After taking a bit ,i wasn't full but it will last me about a week .
I didn't want to drain him at all.
He grabbed his neck when i was done.
I wiped a bit of my drool mixed blood .
"I must admit you taste sweet" i said not thinking before saying that.
I saw him turn hell red
"Oh no i didn't mean it like that!" I quickly said.
He shooked his head and said.
"Wait can you turn into a bat?"
"Of course i can " i said as i turned around as my transforming dust generated to turn me into one.
He put out his hand for me to land.
As he adored my bat form .
"You look so adorable rurjfbf" i heard him say even the non sense as he snuggled his head into my bat figure as i hugged him.
He's totally a keeper for my future prince .

Done also sorry i still haven't posted the y'all's onshots I'll try to get them released today or tomorrow!

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