hatzgang + Reader

458 12 14

Sorry for not posting, my week was CRAZY

I almost died 3 times ,got the stinking flu and haven't eaten actual food for 5 days (im eating fruits and drinking lots of water so dw)

But its no big deal now that i got access to write 😋

I got bored so its completely random

I'll make an actual one later


"Anyone has the answer for number 5?" The teacher said looking at her class with a expressionless face , seeming to regret becoming a teacher in the first place.

She sighed as nobody answered,the class was dead silent.

"Well you all have 15 more minutes to finish the rest of the paper.. I'll be back,i have to print some papers" she stated right and walked out of the classroom closing the door on her way out.

Everybody started talking to one another happy that dhe had left the room.

"Hey what y'all get for number 12" Roy said looking at his desk mates.

"I got 18" Robert responded.

"I got 9.5" ross said confused looking back at his work to see any mistakes.

"..i got Abraham Lincoln..for some reason..idk" (y/n) confessed as they scratched their head receiving confused looks from their friends.

"HOW THE HELL DID YOU GET ABRAHAM LINCOLN?!" Roy shouted and snatched their paper to see what they did.

Their writing was chicken scratch and barely readable.

"Your parents must have paid to pass you" roy gave the paper back.

"Don't say that, give them some credit" Robert said eyeing roy and smiled at (y/n) , which they smiled back.

Ross chuckled a bit.

"Maybe they meant the number of the president?..16?" Ross added trying to find it reasonable.

(Y/n) nodded their head as roy just scoffed.

The teacher entered the classroom making everyone dead quiet.

"So did anyone figure out the answer?" She said looking around once more and spotted (y/n) raising their hand.

"Yes (l/n)?" She said expecting for them to shout a dumb answer.

"16!" They shouted with confidence.

"That's correct!" She sighed in relief that at least someone got the answer.

Roy's mouth opened in surprise and disbelief.

Robert and ross gave (y/n) a high five for getting it right.


It was finally time for a break ,which eas basically just recess .

Almost everyone went outside meanwhile some stayed inside to do what they wanted.


"Hey Robert?" (Y/n) said looking at him as he drew on his sketchbook.

"Yes (n/n)?" He said doodling more then turned his attention towards them .

"Would you still be friends with me if i was an ugly rat?" They said innocently as Robert chuckled.

"Of course dude! I'll even let you ride in my pockets!" He said with a wide smile making (y/n) giggle .


"(Y/n) don't-"  ross warned them before but they always barely any attention.

They coughed out the dandelion(the white blow one-) and their mouth was covered of its seeds and white fluff.

"I thought it was finally time to eat it and get special powers" they commented upset as ross looked down at them in disbelief in what they said.


"Your parents love me" (y/n) smiled and wiggled their brows as roy rolled his eyes.

"Bullshit" he muttered.

"Miss can i get a candy?" They said to Carmen, she dug her hand on roya candy and handed a bunch to (y/n) and left without a word.

"..i hate you!" He said looking at the amount of candy he had now.

"We can share tho" they stated as roy looked at them.

"Fine.." he said taking from them what originally was his.

"Also did you know that if you closed your eyes, you can't see!" They said mind blowed as roy chuckled.

"Your an idiot (y/n)"


I regret watching the other bob nsfw videos... My eyes couldn't take it ,i should have stayed curious 😭

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