🍋jack x reader 🍋

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Like i said I'm not professional at writing these 🍋 but here we go

Your pov-
I've been with jack for almost 2 years ,we have not really did the deed for a while now ,jack was too stressed on a case .Him and john stayed up all night to connect  anything related to the case.
I sometimes had to take his lunch he had forgotten or didn't have time to make .
It was was nice of him being a cop but it really stressed him time to time.
He could have been replaced quickly .
He didn't want to upset you at all.
I was just a normal civilian but sometimes you worked part time jobs to earn extra money and save up.
I went to demand the mayor to give a break for my beloved jack , the mayor really threw everything at him in the first place i was now planning in making jack have a nice break .
One that he'll enjoy very much.

"Sorry John but I'm taking a day break ,i was told by the Mayor but don't worry i will help you right away tomorrow " he said to the phone in a call with his buddy.
He wasn't sure why the mayor ask him to take a one day break.

  Time skip -

It was now afternoon and jack was trying to find something to do .
"(Y/n) sweetheart you there? " Jack said wondering why he hasn't seen you for an hour now after the the long cuddle and sleeping you both did earlier.
He really enjoyed that moment .
"I'm in the bedroom , could you help me really quick!" You replied loud enough for him to hear.
"Of course I'll be right there in a sec" he replied getting up and walking to the bedroom.
You could hear his footsteps coming closer and closer .
Jack then opened the door to see you in a 'sexy cop' outfit .he quickly turned red as he shut the door.
"W-w -what did you need help with? " he said with a full on red face .
You grabbed then grabbed him and pushed him towards your shared bed.
"I've heard you've been a really bad boy " you said seductively as you want on top of him.
You could see a bit of blood coming out of his nose when he heard you said that .
He wasn't expecting this for sure.
You could hear him stutter.
You grabbed some handcuffs that were in your belt and locked both of his hands in the beds headboard .
"You know bad boys get punished"  you then said as he smiled .
You licked the blood off his nose as you sat on his lap .
You could feel something hard there ,you smirked knowing he now wanted this.
You grabbed his face and kissed him in the lips.
You bit his lips for an entrance ,he opened his mouth and both of you fought for dominance ,but you ended up winning that when you started humping a bit on his crotch to tease him.
You both then pulled away from the kiss as you both catched y'alls breath .
He couldn't hold it any longer he wanted to grab you ,touch you and go inside you but he had his hands locked .
He was annoyed of course not being able to do much.
You rubbed his member as he started to moan a bit.
You then took off his shirt and yours revealing both your chests .
Jack was groaning now he was now hungry for more if you ,he was even sweating.
"Please dove let me go ,i can't hold it any longer" jack said in a soft stuttering tone .
"Not yet my love " you said as you started unzipping Jack's pants and pulling them down with his boxers .
His member slowly ish sprung when i let it go .
I put my hands on them as i felt jack twitch.
I licked the tip of his member and slowly started to take it in .
I then started bobbing my head as jack started to mean and tell me sweet stuff .
I went a little faster resulting jack to release after a few minutes i drank the cum as looked at the flustered jack.
I then uncuffed him ,he rubbed his wrists a bit then pinned me down .
He quickly ripped my skirt off  it shocked me.
I didn't know he had this strength til now .
After that he tipped off my panties ,i guess he really did want me badly .
Without a warning he put his member inside me .
It caught me off guard and moaned loudly .
Jack started to thrust In and out at a quick pace .
The room was filled with moans .
I felt bad  for the neighbors.
It was already dark.
After a few more thrusts he released into me .
Jack then fell beside me as we both gasped .
I was fully satisfied and so was he.
After all that we ended up sleeping as we cuddled


Idkkk i wasn't sure about what to add lol

Also the frank x reader will be uploading possibly later or tomorrow! (For those who requested it)

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