happy fella x reader

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(image above ain't mine )

Lemon and female reader

Imma name the happy fella "fain "
Cause fella starts with a f and fella means someone plus fain apparently means -

Imma name the happy fella "fain "Cause fella starts with a f and fella means someone plus fain apparently means -

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Im just trying to make it better for me to write and his literally a happy guy 😽

And cut! Everyone take a break! A guy shouted.
The camera people, costume makers and more started heading out to take some break that only lasted about 30 minutes.
They were airing a show for kids to sell their dolls and more.
The star of the show also known as the happy fella seemed a bit stressed and not in the jolly happy mood he was always in.
It was unknown why he was being gloomy but it had to be fixed before they Started airing again.
The tall chubby guy left to go to his room and get all of it out or make it worse.
The director looked at the nice (h/c) female check the cameras for any issues and then thought of something.

"Hey you lady!" The guy said startling the female.
"Yes sir?" The female said not wanting to be in trouble and have to leave the job.
"Could you please comfort that big happy fella do whatever it takes just make him feel better before airing or your fired!" The director said to the female who was just a helper or an extra in his eys.

"Of course sir!" The female said rushing to the happy fella's room not risking in being fired.

Your pov-

I was standing in my friend fain room.
Everyone knew him as a the happy fella but i didn't want to call him a happy fella.
I was more comfortable with his real name he had told me .
I knocked at his door and waited for a response not wanting to introduce.
He wasn't answering so i twisted the handle to reveal it was unlocked i went inside and closed the door.

"Fain?" I said as he turned around.
I heard the door fully close and click meaning it was suppose to be actually locked and for no one to enter.
"You should just go away (n/n) I'm not feeling good right now " he said covering his face i could see he had messy hair and changed.

"Hey its okay fain everyone gets up and downs,they just have to find something to relax them or makes them feel better "i said as i patted his back.
He still seemed to be still upset or as if something was bothering him.

"I'm just not feeling it , you comforting me makes it a bit better but not really" he responded and closed his eyes

I wasn't sure what to do so i started thinking.

I don't want to make it about me or anything but maybe i should try confessing my feelings towards him.
I did have feelings for him i can't lie .
If he rejects me it will maybe make him smile at the thought that me a pathetic woman tried.
If he accepts my feelings maybe it can make him feel better.
I checked the time to see i had about 20 more minutes,it's this or nothing?

Fains pov (happy fella)-

I was feeling down it wasn't very common for me to.
It was actually quite rare for me to be upset.
But i wasn't sure what was bothering maybe i have been to lonely i mean yes i have my friends but I've Never gotten a lover or a child.

I've seen many children laugh as their parents give them their attention.
Some are single but they have something that are part of them or they have created.
I don't i have no one related to me no siblings, cousins or anything.
I got lost in the thought til it was disrupted my something touching my lips.
I realized it was (y/n)'s lips on me.
I felt myself melt into the kiss.
She pulled away as i turned red.
"Why did y-you kiss me " i said obviously confused.

"Because I've liked you for a while now..." She said covering her face in embarrassment.

I smiled at her silly actions.
"No need to be shy it's my turn" i said with a grin as she looked at me confused.
I removed her hands from her face as i kissed her.
She quickly accepted it as i depend the kiss.
I slip my tongue into her mouth as i took dominance.
I flipped her and pinned her into the bed and let go of the kiss.
"Let's have some fun shall we?" I said looking at her flustered state.

Your pov -
I wasn't expecting this things from him but next thing i know we were both making out.
We both pulled away to breath and he went to my neck , leaving some trails of hickeys.
I moaned a bit as i felt him smile while doing them.
I got up and went in my knees as he sat down knowing what will happen.
I unzipped his pants and took his boxers out of the way as i grabbed on his member.
I started stroking it a bit hearing him chuckle a bit.
After a few more i licked the tip as i started taking it in .
I felt his hand on my head as i started bobbing my head in a medium pace as he chuckled cause if the feeling and drool a bit as he looked at me in his usual sweet smile.

Directors pov-
It was almost ready for the next scene,only about 6 minutes left.
I should check on (y/n) and the fella .
Forgot what his name is but don't care much for it .
I knocked on his door hearing some chuckles coming from there .
At least he seems to be happy again.
"Hey um..peon?pain? Fleur? Or whatever your name is and (y/n) imma need you both to get ready theirs only 4 minutes left til the next scene " i said as i heard a bit of struggle after about 3 minutes they both came out .
The fella was wearing his usual clothes and a bit sweaty , (y/n) now had a scarf and a awkward smile .
I shrugged it off not thinking much of it ,as long as out star was happy it would of worked.
I told them to take their positions as in the happy fella stand over there and for (y/n) to check for the camera's if their working properly.

Your pov-
I felt many butterflies in having to be caught,it would have been such a embarrassment.
I was looking through the camera and lens.
"Hey (n/n) why are you wearing a scarf?" The camera man also my buddy said as i checked the cameras.
I looked at Fain as he smirked raising his eyebrows hearing what he said.
I looked away to face my friend.
"It's just a bit more colder here..." I said as he fell for the lie.
"Alright 3,2,1 and action!"  The director said as Fain started playing his role with a happier mood.


No other parts cause I'm too busy with many more things lol

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