bob x yandere reader

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I have been asked to do this one and they should receive it i forgot what one shot it was but if it was smut i will have to be informed

Yandere tall female reader :)

Your pov-

I've been addicted to this man for a few months now.
Tho a bitch best me to it ,i was about to end her but the universe had different plans ,i saw that bitch die in the hands of another person,i only made up that mask and his chubby state.
I moved in from the guy i was obsessed with .
Eventually he asked me out but i found no more interested in him ,i moved on the mystery devil canibbal.
I didn't know what was under that mask but that made me wonder more.

I gave him treats ,i killed those in my way just for him i made those dead bodies into treats.
I saw him enjoy them as i smiled seeing his happy expressions.
He didn't seem to remove that mask tho.
Maybe I should try talking to him after all he chuckles sweetly at my gifts .

I headed to the alley where he seemed to attacked the most and the place where i leave his treats it's time to introduce myself towards him .
Being taller than him made it better for me, i could possibly hug him ,i wanted to feel his warmness.
I felt a presence behind me , having that feeling made me smile.
I turned around to face the man who I've been simping for i saw his handsome smile.
"Hello there handsome" i said bending a bit down.
I saw he was a bit startled at it ,i was just a few 4-6 inches taller than him.
Yea pretty tall people say.(reiny doesn't know shit about height)
"Woah you sure are a beauty" he said with a grin.
I handed him the box of treats as he put away his knife.
"You were the one getting me these?" He said keeping eye contact towards me.
"Of course,ive had a liking for the cannibal devil you are " i said putting a finger on his chin as i saw his eyes look at my lips first.
I pecked his lips as i heard him chuckle in a loveable way.
"Woah i haven't received love and affection "he said covering his faced mask.
"How about me and you become i think,i promise I'll treat you right I'll do anything to be with you" i said grabbing his hands.
"Oh darling no..I'll make you a happy woman no need for you to waste on me i would love to treat you well after all your snacks sure are delicious" he said taking off his masked and seemed to drool a bit than before.
I loved his drools , made me want to drool at him .
"Names (y/n) btw " i said as he introduced himself as bob.
I felt him pull me closer with a bit of struggle with his height as he kissed me.
"You taste sweet as well "  he chuckled as i did as well.
"Want to got at my place and maybe watch a movie or something?" I said as he let go of me.
"Only i i get to be the one getting cuddled more" he said grabbing onto my hand as we both walked to my house.
We had a pretty nice night.
I've reached the goal in getting the man i wanted with only 9 killings!
Most of their bodies were said to be gone missing without a trace .


I was tired if you don't like it i can change it ! (The one who requested it)

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