hatzgang x suicidal reader

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This was requested but this is a bad ending)
Non binary Reader!

Your probably know what's going to happen but I'm just warning ya if you don't like this subject.
Lots of bad and negativity things
Or something like that


Your pov-
I woke up and stretched as i got up to change to something comfortable.
I don't wanna be here
I wanna go to a better place
I'm a mistake
Im a waste
Those girls were right i look like a freak.
I'm to weak.
More thoughts went in and out of my head the worse ones would stay as they stack and stack.
I walked myself to school,once i reached my school i took off my backpack to be inspected.
These idiots would think i would bring my knifes .
Nah i brought my glasses instead.
They let me pass.
I was to early for classes might as well roam around.
I still have to learn where the roof entry is.
I walked and walked as i see 3 familiar boys , Robert waved at me as the others did after him.
I just smiled a bit getting out a note to give them.
"Here i want you to read it when it's 12  , promise me?" I said handing it to Roy.
"Yea yea we promise " Roy said playfully rolling his eyes.
"See ya (n/n) " Robert said as Ross hugged me from behind.
"They won't be no later " i said walking away .
They all looked confused.
"Hey miss do you know where the roof is ,im having breakfast with some friends there " i said forcing s smile on my lips.
Your teeth are crooked .
Stop smiling you will kill anyone with that ugly smile.
You don't deserve happiness.
"Ah yes ! , It's in the third floor take a turn from 109 and you'll reached it!" She said cheerfully.
"Thanks ma'am hope you enjoy your life with now disruptions ". I said to my  teacher.
I headed to where it was located .
I was tired but it would end all.
It will all end at 12 .
Once they read the letter .
They will just be happy seeing you gone.
Nobody cares about you
Your pathetic
I sat as i heard the bell rang 2 times.
It was 12 already.
I pulled out a paper as i started writing something in it .
For whoever finds my body.
I closed my notebook after i finished writing and ripped out the page.
I put it in front of the book I'll love dying in my arms with my favorite plush that was given to me by Roy , Ross and Robert.
I started climbing the fencing and looked down.

Narrators pov-

"It's 12 already open the letter!" Roy said to Ross.
He opened the letter and all of them saw a bit of blood on it.
They began reading the letter.

"Hey guys ,this was probably the last time you'll have me , sorry i lied about trying to seek for help, i never did i will miss all 3 of you ,just know I'll be in a better place
Robert you were the most happiest and sweetest person I've ever met i adore your smile.
Ross tour the most chill and best person I've met , i really loved hugging you.
And Roy i love your kind voice when your around me ,i would always love when you let me snuggle you.
I love all of you three but this world isn't for me , i hope you have a wonderful life without me .
This is a goodbye forever

- signed y/n

All of them realized what this meant they ran all the way to the third floor as they arrived to the roof in a minute due do the running.
The 3 of the boys saw (y/n) holding on to the fence.
"(N/n) please don't do it, we love you to much to let you go!" Roy said as he ran to them as the others followed.
"I've always love you but you all knew this will happen one day i can't handle it no longer " (y/n) said as tears rolled down her cheeks.
"I love you all " she said as she let go and grabbed her stuff close to her chest.
The 3 boys felt their heart drop.
"No no no this can't be happening " they all thought as they cried harder rushing to the first floor.
They were about to be stop by the guards .
"Instead of stopping us call the god damn fucking hospital!" Roy screamed at them as the 3 of them passed the gaurdd .
The guards followed them confused by what they meant.
They arrived were (y/n)'s body laid .
They had her eyes slightly open as they holded their beloved things and blood on her head and mouth due to them back breaking ,releasing blood out of their mouth.
"I'm sorry i couldn't properly say goodbye" they said trying to shut their eyes but her body struggled to survive.
"No no idiot don't leave us, don't close your eyes look at me focus please don't close them "Roy said as the gaurd called the ambulance.
"Please (n/n) this isn't cool ,don't go into the darkness" Ross said as Robert couldn't let out his words.
They saw as (y/n) shut their eyes as they hugged them begging for them to still survive.
They were praying that they just passed out ,that the ambulance could help them.
The ambulance arrived as the gaurdd grabbed the boys .
They struggled due to them wanting to go with them .
"Please let us go with them!" Robert said as he saw the others struggle and cried harder.
"Sorry but we can't allow that kid" the gaurd said.
Robert saw the doctors put the heartbeat detector in (y/n) they still had a heart beat!
Their was still a low chance they could survive .
He was dragged back into the building and into the consolers office as the ambulance rushed to the hospital.

Nobody saw Robert had grabbed what (y/n) had ,
They had a picture book of Their favorite memories mainly being them hanging out with the 3 boys.
He showed the other 2 as they smiled trying to hold back more tears as the counselor came and sat to try comfort them but she knew it wouldn't work

Damn part 2?
Probably not unless it's requested 👌
Also releasing the other onshots later in today or tomorrow,I'm working on them !

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