-kevin x reader-

377 6 12


•Male reader
•Sub Kevin

       Been a while since i did smut

"No ma'am,we don't sell apples or bananas,this is a fast food place"I repeated as the woman scoffed.

"I demand you give me a healthy option! My son only eats healthy stuff!" she said as I rolled my eyes.

"We have veggie burge-" I was cut off by her as she crossed her arms.

"This place is the worst,im leaving a 1 star! Can't believe people eat here" the raven haired female said as her son seem embarrassed as she holded his hand ,he looked at me with a apologetic face.

Felt bad for the little guy ,thats for sure ,I saw them leave as one of the other employees came to take over my shift since mine ended.I decided to get a milkshake on my way out ,loved how the job didn't care if the employees took food.

I looked around looking for something..well someone specifically and I saw them ,I approached the little boy from earlier and handed them the milkshake ,he smiled and silently thanked me as his mom was distracted on the phone,I nodded and left seeing him enjoy the drink happily.

I walked back to my house , already wanting to relax ,since todays day shift was more stressful than I've expected,I had to clean up lots of spills and even other body fluids like vomit,drool and blood from a little fight,did all that extra work just cuz janitor wasn't there yet .

I bettter get paid extra or I'll burn the place to the ground just for funsies.

After about what I assumed was 14 minutes I arrived home ,I was pretty tired but I decided to ignore the feeling.

I heard my phone ring so I picked it up to answer it.

"(Y/n)! I heard you were arguing with the customers? You know thats not allowed" the manager screamed at me on the call.

In response I rolled my eyes.

"I did no such thing!" I replied as the manager kept stating things that didn't happen.

"well I see a new review talking about a '(l/n) being the absolutely worse,the place looks like a dumb and shouldn't be recommended,they should really shut this dumpster of a place down ,I would NEVER go there again!' ,Your getting a lower paycheck (y/n)!" They responded sounding angry.

"WHAT?! BUT I-" They hung up the call as I entered my house.I bit my lip and shut the door , throwing my keys and phone on the nearest counter out of frustration,I didn't even care if my phone broke.

"What's wrong?" I heard a familiar voice say as I looked up to see Kevin.

"Fucking manager is lowering my paycheck over a karen!" I stated as he approached me.

"You should work somewhere else,after all I know what you mean,I deal with 2 kids every day" Kevin chuckled as I slightly smiled.

"I'm aware...But gosh im hating working at the place ,im even wanting to fucking burn the place to the ground with my manager in it!" I said getting the feeling of frustration back ,it made Kevin think for a bit.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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