Part 1 of the present

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Yes yes part 1 of the female smut present with um... evermore cause idk

(Not sure if that's true but whatever works for me he's hot either way)

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(Not sure if that's true but whatever works for me he's hot either way)

Idk how to start this haha-

Narciso pov-

"But sir-"
"No more excuses i can't have this town get into more deads effecting my position i am at right now " i told him as i rubbed My temples.
I didn't want more issues about someone kill who blah blah blah,it was pretty nice being mayor but it was a big responsibility especially in not being that popular.
As in me not popular,how was that possible..
I saw as sheriff john and deputy jack got up and left as they chat.
Hopefully they catch this murderer.
I sighed as j felt a bit stress.
I had to fill in some paperwork and talk to people, i was given a assistant to help for a long time now.
She was pretty nice looking i must say.
I loved that she took care of me ,even when I'm having any issues or a bad day she would be there to comfort me.
She wasn't like any Assistant I've ever had.
She had these (e/c) eyes and beautiful (h/c) ,(h/l) .
She was sadly johns sister so it might not be good if i yell at her brother.
I try my best not to but the towns at risk and I can't have him be fooling at all.

(E/c) -eye color
(H/c) - hair color
(H/l) hair length

I heard a knock on the door as i let them entered, I looked to see it was only (y/n) .
"Hello ,Mr evermore is there anything you'll like to get help at?"she said with her usual sweet tone .
"Oh are you alright you look a bit stressed" she added as the put down her stuff to rub my back.
"Thanks (y/n) but I'll be alright" i said as i stared into her eyes.
"And sweetheart you know it's Narciso no need to call me evermore" i said as i got you.
They got startled at me getting up.
Are they afraid of me?
"O-oh I'm sorry si- i mean Narciso ! i promise I'll keep that in mind" she said quickly.
"Hey sweetie no need to be scared of me you know I wouldn't hurt you" i said as i carested her face i could see she quickly got relaxed as i felt her heat up.
"Are you seeing someone? " I said as i kept eye contact.
"Not really " she said looking down maybe she's embarrassed.
"That's good.."i said as she looked at me confused.
I felt my face coming closer towards to her as i felt her shake under me.
I kissed her on the lips as she started to melt into it after a bit.
I smiled seeing she accepted it.

We both let go of the kiss as i saw her cover her face.
"Oh no! Was that not what were you asking for?! I'm sor-" i put my finger over her mouth.
"That's exactly what I wanted no need to be too worried"i said as she relaxed.

Your pov-

I felt as Narciso got closer than he was before.
"You know,even as mayor of this town i would obey whatever you say (n/n) ,I've craved for your touch for days and days now " he said pinning me to a nearby wall .
Our faces were getting close almost again our lips touched til someone knocked which startled both of us and we quickly backed away.
I saw it was my brother and his partner,jack i think.
"Oh (y/n) wasn't expecting to see you here " John my brother said as he smiled a bit.
"I have to assist the mayor you know that ' i said as i gave a sweet smile to him and waved at jack as he waved back with his joyful smile.
Jack had to be one of my favorites but i don't usually remember his name since i mix them up with my work.
It was a simple name but somehow 'poof' gone. He didn't mind he loved playing guess his name .
"We Just wanted to inform you , evermore that the suspect had been captured " John said as he received a nod from Narciso .
Before he could leave ,jake was it?.
Went to hug me .
"Bye (n/n) maybe we can hang out and go to that new cafe ,to cheer up john a bit " he whispered cheering up my brother.
Cause i wasn't going to lie he looked kinda miserable.
"Of course ? Junior..uhhhh jamal-" i said as he giggled.
"Jake was the closest!" He said.
"Oh now i know jack!" I said as i looked at his badge.
"Hey that's not fair! " He said before he looked at me confused.
"You smell like the mayor " jack said .
As i saw John eye me and the Narciso suspiciously.
"None sense..." I said
"I think he sprayed to much of that cologne he had and it got on me " i whispered to jack as he then understood.
"Ooh okay ,well nice seeing you (y/n) see you later! " He said as he dragged John who was staring at a nervous Narciso.

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