Kevin x streber+reader

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Family au,if i remember correctly the reader is gn sorry for any mistakes i mostly write when im sleepy 💅

Strebers pov

I've been together with Kevin for years now, everything is great!

But...i want our connection to me stronger! I wanna start a family

We are both males so it isn't possible but adopting is always fine by me.

I heard the door open as Kevin appeared entering and closing the door.

"Hey streb" he pecked my forehead as he went in the fridge.

"Good afternoon know I've been thinking-"

"We aren't getting that expensive pet rock just because it looks 'cute' " Kevin interrupted my sentence.

He was currently drinking some water and looked at me to say something.

"No! The rock is out of the question..but we can make it an option! Okay so...i want to have a adopt one!" I said hoping for him to say yes.

" much responsibility,i have those 2 kids with costumes bugging me time to time" Kevin responded making me upset.

"Pleaseeee pleaseeee pleaseeee ,those kids were fantastic! They believe im a vampire imagine a little kid of our own ,sure they may be from another family but.. why not make someone happy by adopting them"i said ,i mean i really wanted a kid to hang with and share stuff with.

I heard Kevin sighed.

"Fine tomorrow afternoon...we are only checking the adoption center.." Kevin said as he headed to the kitchen but i stopped him and gave him lots of kisses.

Which he chuckled and blushed.

Gosh i love him a lot, can't wait to check out that adoption center.

Time skip

Still strebers pov

"Let's go inside already!!" I said dragging Kevin with me .

We both entered and saw it was a decent place.

There was children of almost all ages .

Kevin was busy talking to a lady who was in charge or whatever but i was mostly distracted seeing the children playing around,there cute selfs being free and full energy.

I looked around then spotted a (h/c) kid.

They seemed to be in their 7-8's.

They a semi fancy cape and black clothing woth a few (f/c) in it .

They turned to face me and smiled brightly.

They quickly ran towards me and showed me a stack of cards.

"Hi there mister! Can you pick a card?" They said with a adorable smile ,they had a chipped tooth .

"Oh um okay?" I said confused as i picked a random one.

It was a 3 of hearts.

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