Dexter x reader

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I found this in some Google doc i made back and uhh...i couldn't finish the smut so imma have to post this due to difficulties in my life..

Yea it was some old ass idea i had well here ya go

Dexter's pov-

"(Y/n) sweetheart where are you?" I said as i looked around the house .

"Boo!" They screamed jumping out of the corner scaring me and made me scream.
"AHH- Don't do that!" I said as they laughed at my frightened state.

"I'm sorry but i couldn't resist" they blurted out from there adorable laughter.

I smiled seeing them laughing with no issues at all.
Just me and them no one else to disturb out team.
I was lucky to have them!

They were such a dream
They were perfect
They were really sweet
They made me head over heels for them...

"How how i love you (y/n) " i said as they stopped laughing at my smiled.
I grabbed their beautiful face and kissed it every single spot.

I received a giggle from every kiss i gave them.

"Hahaha- no stop haha!"
But i didn't stop kissing them.
I reached there lips and kissed them deeply as i felt their smile into the kiss.
I felt then melt into the kiss before i pulled back.

"I love you so much (y/n)" i said as they looked at the clock.

"Oh my Dexter i love you too but it's been to long " they said confusing me.
"You've been here for way to long.." they said looking down.
"Just say 'i want to leave'" they then said looking at me worried then stared at the clock.

"I want to leave?" I said as i heard them whisper and  felt their lips on mine before i saw a flash .
I woke up breathing heavily i have grown out hair and felt weird.
I looked at around to see my phone i turned it on to see the date then saw my calendar.

I was one month off ...I slept for a month?

Nothing was real?

They were just a fantasy....

I stared into my hands lost at my thoughts

Would i ever see them again?


Just like a said from earlier it was some old idea i had I'll actually post the smut when I'm officially available

Also reiny loves Dexter more than you 🧍

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