Rick x reader

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(i though maybe this will go well lol now to the reading)

Your pov-
I was walking to the candy shop to visit my friend Kevin ,drop off his food and get some candy while I'm at it .
I was always a cheerful person according to others .
I loved bringing smiles on people's faces time to time .
Sometimes goodness is better ,i did have a bad side i didn't really like to show .i never liked hurting anyone's feelings .
Their was some trashy things or boring things in my life but if you look at the positive you'll probably find something that you'll like.

After about 5 minutes of walking i arrived to the candy shop or whatever.
I walked inside and headed to the side counter .their was no one there tho .
"Hello kev?"
"Are you in the back??" You said knowing Kevin would sometimes chill in the back if no one entered in 30 minutes or so.
I grabbed Kevin's food and took it with me to get candy while i wait to try again .
I grabbed my 6 of my favorite candy and headed to the counter and this time i rang to bell .
Finally i heard footsteps, it wasn't the small steps Kevin does it was rather heavy ish .
I saw the other worker i knew as Rick.
He looked really bored like Kevin.
But he was different he never really showed any emotions Which made me curious .
"Would that be all ? " He said with a tired bored tone.
"Yea but have you seen Kevin? " You said as you took out the money you owned and handing it to him.
He pointed at the back room where they keep the extra candies and things in .
"He's over there " he said

"Ah thanks! Rick is it?" You said with q smile hoping to start a small talk .
He nodded with no expression .
You headed to the back with your Candies and Kevin's food, when you entered you saw Kevin in a sleeping state .
I rolled your eyes seeing that he was asleep you didn't want to let all the food go to waste .
You did have extra so why not give some to Rick perhaps.
I left half but enough food for Kevin as you got some for Rick .
I then pulled out a paper and wrote your name for when Kevin wakes up know it was from me and eat after hours of working.
You then left with the extra food to hand to Rick.
I saw he was carrying some boxes of candies and planning to place them where they belong.
Then decided to ask for help cause why not.

"Need help ? " You said to Rick with a smile .
"Sure i see why not" he said with a blank face .
I was happy he allowed me to help .
I tried to grab a box but ended up failing to.
The box was then grabbed by Rick as he placed it where it needed to go and then left to move the rest.
I opened the box and started to sort the Candy as u was watching tick lift other boxes time to time .
I had butterflies in my stomach seeing and imagining things with him.
I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt someone near me .
"You okay?" He said probably weirded out that i spaced out.
"Yes ofc course ,why wouldn't i be!!" You basically shouted.
After an hour or so you were done sorting candies in 5 boxes they were many .
You got up for a rest as you saw Rick did too.
"Hey i um.. got you something" you said as you approached the emotionless mann with a container .
He looked at you with a questioning look as he saw you coming towards him.
You handed him the container of food that had a note on top as you quickly ran away with a red face and a smile leaving him clueless .

Rick's pov-
I was handed a container with a note with (y/n) , I've heard about her from Kevin.
She seemed like a cheerful nice person.
I grabbed the note as i left the container in the counter i opened the note.

"Hey Rick the container has food for you! I alsojust wanted to tell you If you are free tomorrow maybe? I wanted to get to know you more i have had some feelings for you and I'm basically asking you on a date
Anyways please answer yes or no in text my number is. (***-***-****)"

I smiled and felt a bit of heat on my cheeks , something i thought i wasn't going to feel.
I entered (y/n)'s number on my phone and texted her yes i am willing to go and spend some time with her.
I had developed some feelings for her if I'm being honest.
I guess I'll have to be patient to hang out with her .
"What's got you smiling like that? " Kevin said now wide awake eating.
I just looked away to hide my red ish face .

Tbh i didn't know how to make the reader ajdjf
Possibly making a part 2 ??

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