Roy x anxious reader

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This was also requested :)
It's a female reader again

Your pov-
I had been the quiet kids for almost my entire life .
I was to scared to speak even a bit many people thought i was mute since i never made a noise.
I was to scared of anyone judging my voice or making fun of it.
My mom always said i had a bad voice, the world would be better if i wasn't here.
I believed her so i was not do social .
Even though I was quiet people still talked to me I just wrote something i wanted to say and give them to read.
One thing a lot of them asked was if i was mute or if i talked.
I nodded at i did know how to talk but didn't want to fully answer the question.
And of course being different from others i would have some bullies chasing me.
They were known as the hatzgang.
2 of them were sweet , polite and more but one of them were like a angry Chihuahua.
He was basically their leader .
He always made fun of me not wanting to speak, sometimes i would get s bit hurt by him.
I didn't mind since i didn't want to given to much attention.
Today was different tho .
I was walking to class until i was quickly pulled into some random classroom.
It was a bit dark until the lights were flicked on to reveal Roy.
He looked a bit nervous but also his normal angry expression.
I didn't see any of his friends around .
"Why don't you talk ,loser?" He said as he came closer to me with a questioning expression.
You pulled out a notepad and started writing.
"My mom said i sound ugly , i shouldn't be able to talk the more people ignore me or don't socialize with me the better the world will be!" 
You wrote innocently thinking it was a good thing.
"What type of bullshit is that "  he seemed to feel bad for why you didn't talk but you just saw him confused.
"I never told you this but i...umm.. i really like youyoubutit'sokifyoudon'taccept meoranythingitdoesn'tmatteranywaysiwon'tcryifyousaynoafterallI'vedone

(but it's ok if you don't accept me or anything it doesn't matter anyways i won't cry if you say no after all I've done.."
He said to fast i almost didn't understand.
He then pulled out some of my favorite flowers as he looked away waiting for a rejection.
"I- l.. r-eally you as well" you said struggling to get the words out as your face became hella red.
Roy looked at you surprised .
"You have the voice of an angel..."  He said accidentally dropping the flower as his face turned a pink ish tone .
He quickly hugged you snuggling into you.
You giggled at his actions.
I guess he really meant it .
"You shouldn't listen to your mother , i swear you have the sweetest voice i ever heard in my entire life" roy said looking up from you .
(He's shorter hahah-)
You smiled as he started to complemented you even more.
Your face was always red when he told you sweet stuff.

Time skip -
Roy has been there every time i felt i was going to have an anxiety attack,he would always comfort me when I needed it.
His friends were happy that he finally asked me out .
I started talking s bit more and getting complements of my voice.
Roy tried to hit or scare anyone who would get close to me which made me giggle at his child ish behavior.
He really helped me get over my fear of talking but not fully .
He would always hold my hand and peck my cheek even in public knowing i would become nervous ,he loved seeing me act all nervous and more in a good way .

Big time skip --(your an adult)
"I guess my mom was wrong about my voice .."  i said to myself carrying me and my husband Roy's baby ruby . As Roy hugged me from behind and crying tears of joy as both Ross and Robert looked at our sweet little girl in awe , looking forward in becoming her unrelated uncle . Having a child made my struggled go away seeing only a bright future for her.

It was short so I'm sorry about that but hope you enjoyed this.

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