Kevin xstrebers sister reader

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Female reader , pretty much a angst in something i think or not

Also I'm sorry if I had the wrong idea in what you wanted whoever requested it (i can't find the user )

(F/c) -favorite character

Kevin's pov-

I rested in the counter in my kitchen scrolling through my phone.
I was currently dating streber,sure he was a nice guy and all but i must admit he can be a little to much and super hyper.
It really isn't like me ,I'm not much of a hyper person or the one who will want to go all out .
Everyone says it's a perfect match but face it ,it's not going to work .
I just don't feel a spark or butterflies in my stomach no more.
No matter what,i will have to leave him some day .
I can't be forced into something I'm not ,I'm just a boring person who hates me job and streber wants to change me .
My life isn't perfect but i like it somehow i can't just change it without missing my old habits.

I saw i got a notification from Steber.
I opened the message to read it.


Hey Kevin! I was wondering if You'll be able to go to the Halloween party!
You can make some new friends there maybe become more social maybe we can match costumes.

i'll hang out in the party for a while but I'm not so sure in socializing and I wanted to try my costume

Aw kev pls pls pls pls match with me


I felt myself feel disgusted in his super hyper state.
I couldn't handle it i was going to try to break up with him tomorrow.
Cause right now doesn't seem so perfect, especially it being his favorite day.

Time skip -

I put on the costume that streber had given to me ,it was a vampire like always..
I wanted to be (f/c) but i guess i have to just go with it.
I fixed my hair as i started heading out to walk to his house we're he hosted the party at.
Hopefully nobody super chatty talks to me.
I said as i finally arrived after 13 minutes of walking.
He didn't offer me a ride ,he knew i didn't even have a vehicle.
I entered not even being able to find streber.
It wasn't that loud but it was crowded,maybe a few drinks would fix that.
I saw a table with types of alcohol,some juices and snacks .
I was about to grab some til i accidentally touched someones hand.
"Oh sorry! You could grab it" said a female.
I turned around to see them.
I saw they were (f/c) which made me smile.
"Is that (f/c) your wearing?!?"i said as they smiled.
"Someone finally gets who i am!"she said as she giggled.
I felt some butterflies in my stomach when she giggled.
"My name is (y/n) btw " she said as she poured some of the drink on my cup and hers.
"I'm Kevin" i said feeling like i was going to make a fool out of myself.
"You want to ditch the party and go somewhere else?" She said like she was reading my mind.
"I see why not" i responded as both of us finished our drinks and she dragged me somewhere.
It was in a forest but it wasn't a thick one you, the moon shined it so we could see where we were heading.
We stopped in near a lake ,it was a nice place to stay at it had one of the best views I've ever seen.
"It's beautiful,how did you find this?" I said as i turned to face her.
"Well since i was younger,i was always my brothers shadow not even my parents cares about me as much as they did for him ,my" friends" left me for him so i ran away in tears seeing he  started becoming distant from me and didn't care for me i got lost in the forest and found this place i now call my comfort place " she said sitting down as i felt bad for her.
"I'm sorry to hear that (y/n)" i said as i sat next to her looking at the stars.
"Your one of the few people who i talked to who didn't want anything from me ,even if i just met you i feel safe and could give you my trust" she said as i looked into her eyes.
"I could say the same to you , i haven't had the best luck in my life but meeting you makes me feel hope in luck " i said as i felt my face heat up.
I felt both of our faces getting closer as i closed my eyes.
I couldn't control it it felt so right like I've meet the love of my life,my soulmate.
I felt both our lips connected as i melt into it.
I pinned her into the ground as she smiled.
Both of our tongues mixing together even if i just met her she felt like the one.
I let go of the kiss as both of us gasped for air.
I could see her eyes stare into mine seeing her under me.
I wanted to do much more than just kiss but it was to fast.
Both of us laughed a bit and shared s few stories as we went near a tree .
We ended up falling asleep in the forest cuddled up with one another.

4 days Time skip -

Your pov-
"I love you (y/n) " Kevin said as we met up on the forest once again.
"I love you too "i said as we kissed before i heard gasp.
"What the hell Kevin?!"i heard my brother streber said as Kevin looked at him in a shocked face.
I could see my brother start to tear up.
"Your literally cheating on me with my fucking sister?!"streber did looking hurt.
"Wait you were with my brother?" I said as i stared at Kevin.
"Yes ,i was thinking if breaking up with him since he wasn't the one for me ,he forced me to much made me go out of my limits just cause he said it was good for me ,he never really cared about my anxiety he just wanted to boss me around with his super hyper energy... " He said as streber rolled his eyes and screamed it wasn't true.
"I thought i couldn't find my soulmate but when u saw you at the party i felt a spark seeing you made my heart beat faster than ever before " Kevin added as i felt bad for him.
"(Y/n) this isn't fair ! You always get what you wan-" before streber could finish his fussing.
"I never get what I want I've been treated like your shadow every single time i get attention it stolen by you ,i finally found someone who loves me but now I'm not really sure ..i-i have to go i can't deal with this pressure " i said knowing streber would most likely want to destroy my life .
But i wasn't sure how to feel about Kevin about not even telling me.
I didn't want to destroy my brothers reputation knowing I'll be noticed,not in a good way but in the baddest way .
"(Y/n) please don't go " i heard Kevin say as streber scoffed.           



I wasn't sure how to do this

Also it's just a au where streber is pretty much selfish or whatever you call it

Also those wondering what requests are next these will be (not in order)

Also those wondering what requests are next these will be (not in order)

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