not so smutty (1/2)

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Yea I've lost myself

I'm calling the chubby one Fred and the skinny one Tim ( cause f for fat and t for thin and i have no braincells left)

Female reader

Author's pov-(cause I'm no expert at 1st ,2nd,3rd pov even tho I've been showed multiple times..)

"Are you almost done? We can't get risk it that long like last time" a skinny masked guy said as the other tried his best at breaking in.
"Found it! " The chubby one whispered yelled as both went inside.
They saw the place still had light but no noises or car was present in the front.
The owner of the house probably left and not turn off their house lights.

"Woah this house sure has a bunch of stuff" the chubby masked man said looking around.
"Exactly why we came here ,now let's head to the room were many treasury things are found" said the skinny one as they went upstairs.
They got there and saw some decorations that looked like it cost a ton .
Their was just one problem,the water seemed to be on as in someone was taking a shower.
They both quickly hided in the classic closet with no second thought as they heard a female hum.
"God damnit.." one said as he looked through the opened parts.
A female covered with a towel came out of the bathroom heading to their bedroom.

Your pov-

I've just got done showering,it was pretty warm and all that, i lived alone not really having any family members in touched.
Ever since my parents were finally abusing me and almost killing me, i have headed for a better future.
I worked a good paying job and gained many cash and bought the best house inaginable,i spent my money not caring for it as much cause well i always made more.
I patted my skin dried as i wondered what should I wear.
I headed to my drawer and put in some underwear,shorts and a shirt.
I didn't really use bras when sleeping.
I dried my hair as i was about to turn off my lights,i layed down in my bed as i asked my Alexa to turn off all lights and turn on the night light.
Wouldn't want it that dark.
I was about to close my eyes before i heard my closet door opening... weird.
I stared at it lightly closing my eyes as i saw it open slowly to reveal 2 figures.the lights when on from the detection of movement.
I saw as both stare at me with innocent smiles.
"We were just leaving we ,
...mean no trouble!" The chubby one said.

"How should I know that?" I said as i stared at the nervous guys.
"Because he have nothing we've stolen! They said emptying their pockets that was literally nothing.

"You know i could give y'all as much money needed? I have to much i can't even make myself happy" i responded as i got up putting on my slippers.

"I won't call the police,I'll consider you 2 as my friends now and as my friends your allowed to sleep in the guest room" i said with a smile as they followed me to the guest room.

They looked puzzled of course i mean who will let strangers just sleep in their house.

I would

"Just get some rest it's pretty late and wasting your energy or night time isn't worth it " i said yawning as i headed to me bedroom.
Time skip 🫴 [smut getting closer]

I've gotten to know these guys ,i liked the energy fred gave.
He was nice and loveable.
Then Tim well..he was a bit more serious but i liked it when he got somehow childish as well .

"(Y/n)?" I heard both of them say .
"Yes?" I replied turning around seeing both of them standing there with some gifts.

"We decided to work for a while to get you this stuff ,we both know you have lots of money and this is probably bad but..."Tim said but he was then just off by fred
"WE BOTH LOVE YOU SO MUCH I CAN'T KEEP IT ANY LONGER!" Fred shouted as he took a few deep breaths.
I blushed at the thought of the present.
"I don't think she likes us back " Tim said as he shooked a inpatient for an answer Fred.
"Give her a chance to say something -"

"Both of you are the best and yes i would love to be your girlfriend i don't care about the gifts cost at least i know you put effort into it" i said as i hugged both of them .

"See i was right " Fred said letting out a sigh or relief.

"I'm going to love this moment for the rest of my life " Tim whispered as he hugged me back with Fred.


Another time skip

Guess what ☺️

✨Smut time ✨🧍

Your pov-

"Hey beautiful" i heard Tim say as i turned around.
"Yes Tim?" I said as i crossed my arms.
"Can we do it ?" He said kinda awkwardly .
"Do what?" I said
"Sex"he quickly responded
"Wow straightforward a bit..but Fred isn't home yet ,he would feel left out " i said as Tim looked a bit down.
"He can join when he wants!" He said as i thought of it.
"....just for a bit and I'm blaming you if my sweet Fred is sad " i said as Tim cheered about to have some 'fun'.

I took off my clothes as Tim did as well already wanting it.

"But I'm doing safe sex cause I'm not to ready for a kid " i said as he nodded.

"Of course beautiful, wouldn't want a kid just yet" he said as he sat on the bed .
I put a condom on him as he smiled ,i took a deep breath before i placed his member inside of me.
I felt a sharp pain at first as i moaned a bit .

"This is going to hurt" i whispered as i grabbed on his neck going a bit down on his member.

"If you want the pain gone a bit faster i would love to go hard" he said with a chuckle as he grabbed my ass and moving me up and down on him.
I covered my moans as he clearly chuckled.
"You feel quite nice " he whispered in my ear as i felt my face turn red.

"(y/n) ,bunny I'm home!" I heard as the door opened and i turned around sitting on Tim's member.

Fred stared at us both in silence making it a bit awkward.

"YOUR DOING IT WITHOUT ME!" Fred said as i got up and went to him.

"Hey bub I'm sorry!" I said as he then looked at me.
"Threesome also you have the most beautiful body " he said as his face turned red.

"Let get into it" Tim said as he grabbed me from the back while Fred took off his clothes and smirked.

"Have mercy on me please-" i said knowing this will be more painful.

"Can't promise that bunny" Fred said as he kissed my lips.


I'll attempt making the next part

I'm busy with other stuff and yet I'm not stressed do that's good.

Sorry if I haven't gotten to your request I'm possibly working on it

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