hatzgang X reader

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Gender fluid reader and this was requested!
Sorry for any mistakes

Your pov-
I tied up my short hair getting ready for a walk .
I didn't want to mess up my hair to bad.
Even tho i did like making things messy i will say.
I went outside my house as i waved goodbye to my aunt.
My real parents were never really available to take car of me so i grew up with my favorite aunt having s role as my mom.
She would have been the best mom but she couldn't give birth.
She always wanted someone who was her blood and I was pretty close to that .
She treated me like her own.
I never minded it .
She kissed my forehead as she said bye to me.
I put on my headphones and start playing my playlist.
It was pretty windy but it didn't matter to me i still wore some flexible shorts and a random shirt .
I always loved the way the sir hit my skin.
As i was jogging i decided to take a rest in the cemetery.
I really liked staying in the quiet unvisited place.
Their was few cats and birds that came now and then.
Sometime they would land beside me.
I sat below a tree as i saw the usual chickadee fly to my knee.
I called him Berthy.
He was a beautiful nature Creation,he had a line like no other birds.
He had a white line that had my my first letter of my name ,cool right?.
I gave him a few of my snacks as in trail mix.
He gladly enjoyed them until we were both startled.
"Wait no! Berthy !" He was easily afraid,he kept flapping his wings trying to leave the loud noise.
I felt sad our moment was ruined.
"Oh sorry (y/n) " i heard a familiar voice Said.
I turned around to see Robert dusting himself from what seemed like he fell.
I smiled seeing he was here.
"It's alright, they'll come back" i said with a sweet smile as i hugged Robert, he hugged me back ,i could feel his warmness on me.
"Hey that's not fair ! That should be me hugging them!" I heard another voice say from the bush.
"In your dreams" I heard another voice
I turned around still hugging Robert revealing a angry roy and a frowning Ross.
I let go of Robert as Roy quickly went to hugged me.
I was shocked he even wanted to hug me but i accepted his hug.
I was able to carry him due to how short he was.
I hugged him as if was a doll.
He seemed to enjoyed it until i let go.
I then went to give a hug to Ross.
I didn't expect for him to quickly accept it but he did.
After 2 whole minutes i was being carried by Ross .
He was strong and taller than me which didn't surprise me,what did was that he started running away with me in his shoulders.
I started to giggle as the others went to chase me and him.
" Come back here with them!, I heard Roy say.
As Robert just tried to keep up .
After 5 minutes i was snatched from Ross to Robert .
He quickly took me in the bridge were he lost the others keeping me to himself.
We both giggled which resulted for the both to find us.
All of them 3 started fighting on who i should be with.
I quickly shut them up as i told them i wanted to be shared with the 3 of them they were confused at first til u hugged them as much as i could reach.
We ended up all cuddling and them still fighting with me under the bridge.
They even offered me their sweaters and hats but i would rather be in the lovely breeze and covered in their warmth with the sun setting down.
I must say i did love being with all of them...

I wasn't sure what theme lol

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