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I forgot to post this AND MY INTERNET IS BADD

Special details-

Chubby fem reader[if you don't think your perfect then im tracking you down and tackling you into hugs 😠]



You were currently sharpening knifes since your roommate bob always used them ,since you kinda had a crush on him you were fine with doing the task,it wasn't that hard anyways.

You hummed your favorite song lightly as you did the task , nothing disturbing you ,it was a peaceful silence,the house was yours at the moment.

You could do whatever you want,yet nothing came up your mind.

After all that knife sharpening you let out a heavy sigh ,you were alone, nothing to do or anything to do just a quiet house.

All you could hear were the soft heartbeats of your heart and your regular breathing,not even a thought bothered your mind,quite boring.

You sat on the couch adjusting your bottom to the cushions while turning on the tv with the remote in your hands.

You saw a movie playing,a classic, brunette perfect female, light brown eyes with a curvy perfect body ,her fave not needing makeup to be perfect,2 guys fighting for her love.

You sighed seeing how different you were from her, you had the same thought 'my body isn't perfect' as you watched the movie your mind wandered being in that scenario, two guys fighting over the same female they Loved.

Then you heard the door handle rattle , scaring you ,you were using the 'idgaf' outfit which showed most of your body's outlines , being a bit insecure you grabbed the blanket near you and covered yourself, leaving your head out.

Two figures entered the door and the last one closed it when they both entered.

"Your never driving again" One of them said as you continued to watching the movie.

"Shut up" Bob said annoyingly, rolling his eyes until he saw you watching Tv.

"Well hey there (y/n)" bob smiled innocently when both of your eyes met as frank smiled as well sitting next to you and bob sat your other side.

The couch wasn't too big enough for the 3 so (y/n) felt a bit squished against their shoulders.

You felt flustered at the situation wanting to get out.

You were going to stand up til bob grabbe your arm dragging you down onto him.

Your face hit his chest,you picked up your head to face him .

"Don't leave just yet,i wanna ask you something" he said as he eyed Frank then focused on you.

"What could that be?" You responded trying not to faint at the thought of the position.

Bob grabbed your legs and wrapped them around his waist leaving you speechless and pretty much frozen.

You saw frank stand behind you , making bob stand up.

In fear you hold bob tight with your arms and legs just to feel someone's chest behind you.

You turned your head to see frank grinning and placing his arms around you.

You were basically sandwiched between the two.

"Have you be thinking about us?~" frank whispered near your ear as you felt your face heat up.

" are you talking about and uh-..why are you two-" thats when you cut yourself off as you felt someone poking your thigh and ass.

You were left speechless.

"Maybe?" You spat out feeling like you knew what was coming.

"How about we make it a reality"   bob said as you felt something sharp against your leg .

Bob ripped your pants with his knife causing a light cut.

You winced in pain as he chuckled.

You felt a pair a lips against your neck making you jolt up a bit.

Bob got on his knees and licked the blood off your cut making eye contact at you leaving you a bit confused, feeling a bit mad yet turned on.

Bob ripped your pants more and cut your panties off showing him what he was hungry for.

Frank lifted you up ,your back against his chest,both your legs haging from his arms.

He made you face him to give you a passionate kiss as bob put a finger inside of you causing you to groan into the kiss.

You could hardly breathe as soon as you felt pleasure at the way bob started using his tongue.

He went in a motion and pattern.

Frank broke up the kiss as you gasped for air and let out moans.

"Let's get into the funner part" Frank said as bob got up and frank turned you around onto your belly and saw bob in front of you with his throbbing cock with a bit of precum in his tip.

Distracted by your thoughts you felt something hard enter you.

You let out a loud moan feeling franks hands gripping onto your waist, thrusting into you .

Bob grabbed your head and shoved his cock inside your mouth forcefully as well leaving you to gag time to time.

Your moans were muttered,your breathe was definitely getting faster and you felt a combination of pain and satisfaction.

"Don't worry darling im pretty close" bob muttered as he groaned lightly as he drooled.

"Yup so close" frank said thrusting harder than before you felt something thick inside of you followed with you almost choking on Bob's liquids.

You coughed a bit a both pulled out .

Frank laid down on the couch after pulling his pants up and closed his eyes as he grabbed me.

"Your like a giant soft plushie" he muttered with a yawn.

"It isn't fair your taking her" bob commented as frank ignored him and grabbed on to you.


Most of it got delete it so i had to improvise..a bit..its bad ik-

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