Radford x fem reader

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Your pov

I had a date in the movie,the person wanted to watch a romantic movie as a date, i didn't complain tho i thought it was a bit 'eh' for a first date.

I went inside the theater to pick up my ticket and wait for my date ,they were running a little late then we agreed but i didn't mind at all, the movie was going to start in 15 minutes anyways.

"May i get a ticket to (insert romantic movie)?" I asked as the male employee turned around.

He had 3d glasses on and fluffy hair ,he had a mole near his left cheek, quite handsome actually , kinda reminded me of robin my friend.

He stared at me for a bit before shaking his head a bit and smiled a bit foolish?

"Can you repeat that miss?" He asked with that smile as i smiled back.

"A ticket to (insert romantic movie)" i repeated as he nodded and handed me a ticket as i payed for it.

"So why that one?" He asked.

"Well if you don't mind me asking,of course!" He said as i chuckled lightly.

"Well i have this date who told me we should watch it ,since im not really a picky person i agreed" i responded as i saw the male's smile disappear then reappear in a second.

"Are they here now?" He said as i looked around.

"Looks like..not yet" i said a bit disappointed.

"If your date doesn't arrive,i have mo issue going with you" he said placing his head on his hands with his stms in the counter.

"But wouldn't it get you in trouble? I mean you are a worker here" i smiled at his friendly offer.

"..they can use the machines and vending machines...plus it doesn't seem like nobody is coming in a good 2 hours , enough to enjoy the movie" he smiled.

"And..i can get as much snacks i was without having it taken out of my check!" He added,i guess it wouldn't be so bad hanging with the cute guy.

"Fine..if my date doesn't arrive in 5 minutes we can go watch one together " i said extending my arm to shake his hsnd.

He took it rather fast and shook it.

"Sounds like a plan!" He responded and then i let go of his hand.


7 minutes later

I got to know the male more ,his name was Radford, he had some siblings and well...hes my age.

Since my dat didn't appear,both me and Radford headed to the movie as it was about to start,we took our seats and whispered to each other during the movie,not caring if others were disturbed by out noises and laughter.

At some point there was a sex scene and I looked at it awkward as Radford did too, we avoided eye contact from embarrassment and our eyes were nowhere the screen but i felt his arm wrap around me after the scene was done.

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