Kevin x reader

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hehe yes but this time it ain't yandere

Also female suicidal reader

please skip this if you don't like reading about the topic!

Thier will be mentioned of a lot of negativity to the Reader about how they see the world!

And self harm
Please do skip if you don't like this subject!!

Your pov-

I sat on my bed ,i couldn't sleep once again.
I already had eyes bags forming,you would think it was make up.
I sat there as the sun rose but i kept my view on the floor,i was worthless.
My parents made me go to this therapist and i didn't even try to stop them.
I'm just a coward..a weakling.
I heard the alarm start to beep as i turned it off.
"What if i just died?" I said to myself looking on the ceiling.

"How free could i be? Is it true you become a free spirit? Would i beceom a loss spirit?" I thought as i looked outside seeing what people called a beautiful view.
It would be great to be able to reach the sky just by your self with no help.
No plane ,air balloon or nothing,
Just by myself.
I stretched a bit standing up just to be lectured by some rando saying they can fix me.
The world just wants to fix me but I'm not the one to fix.
Ive experience way to much .
Things i was force to do ,made to do just to satisfy others.
I've had been bullied, abused, betrayed,framed , raped...yet I'm the issue?
My parents don't believe me ,they apologized to all of those who hurt me saying i was just being selfish,that they were the victim and i was the bad one.

The only time i had a great time was when they started get drunk.
People say being drunk is bad but i found it great when my parents were they treated me better ,made me laugh and feel something.
But nothing could last forever that's the truth.

"So ms (l/n) please tell me what's bothering you?" My therapist said as i looked down.
So many things was wrong about how people treated me but i only blamed myself for being myself.

"(L/n)?" I heard their voice once again.

"I'm not normal aren't i? I'm sorry for wasting your time but i can't be fixed" i said looking at their eyes .

"It's for the good, please let it all out no one will hurt you here " they said as they stood up and patted my back.

"I'm different from everyone,ive been through to much , nobody believes me ..i don't even know what i should do " i said as i saw them write a few stuff down.

"How about your socializing or your view in life ...i want you to know theirs someone for you all you got to do is love yourself" They said.
I was done with my appointment to speak with someone who just hears issues to get payed.

The basic things they said thinking they can help .

As i exited the place as i headed to my favorite place.
It was the only place we're someone who actually understands me works at.
Plus they had sweets.

"You seem down again what's wrong (y/n)?" Kevin said as i grabbed a few of my favorite candies.

"You know the usual getting up in the morning because my parents want to fix me feeling" i said with a small chuckle.

"Again? But your okay? You are right?? Please don't do anything that can change your self!" He said .
He knew a few of my struggles not all ,i never told him about my thoughts or feelings cause i was scared of him turning against me or wanting to fix me like the rest.
"Of course i am!" I said faking the smile as i paid for the candy.
I started eating them as Kevin looked at me a bit strange.

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