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Hi everyone!! so today is the date of March 18, 2023 and I wanna say thank you for something that I genuinely never even dreamed of. Today this fan fic has reached over 100k total reads! It's literally crazy considering that this fan fic was so close to being deleted. I literally remember where I was when I started writing, I was at my moms friends house (it was like 1am because if you know how latin parents are, you know how they take forever saying goodbye.💀)
I was texting a friend complaining about how I wanted to go home, while she was reading a fan fic about Draco. We spoke about what we liked and disliked about fan fics and then she told me, "can you write a draco fan fic" I laughed it off and joked about writing one, then I opened my wattpad app and started writing.

So yes, initially this was supposed to be a Draco Malfoy fan fic. If you've read the whole fan fic, you know how the story ends and well initially the story was gonna end in a different way. However, as I was writing the ending of year one I was slowly realizing how much I preferred Harry to Draco. So I slowly hinted the romance between Harry and Y/N, and hinted a tiny bit to Draco and Y/N. Then as I was writing year 3, another of my friends told me about how if I ever wrote a fan fiction, to include Cedric. And I knew that Cedric was extremely popular on tik tok, so I included him as a love interest, which is now a decision I regret. I've tried to find a way to eliminate Cedric and Y/N's relationship but I haven't since their relationship is extremely significant to Y/N's character development. If you have any ways that can help me eliminate it, please message or comment on this!

Now to end this celebratory chapter, I wanna ask.. would you all like a possible sequel, another pov or anything else that regards this story? Please, please, please comment ideas! I have thought of a sequel but I genuinely don't know where to start. Maybe I'll gain the idea and confidence soon, and I'll publish it the soonest I could. Once again I wanna say thank you to everyone who has read this fan fiction. It's crazy and thank you so much! I'm currently in the process of re-writing and finding grammar mistakes to make this fan fic easier, and less embarrassing for me and anyone else to read.💀

So please, please, please if you have any idea let me know!! I love reading comments, and seeing what you all think about my work, if you could please support me, I have other fan fictions that might interest you, so please check out my profile, and give me a follow while you're at it.😊

Once again thank you so much, and keep commenting and suggesting things. Goodnight or good morning, wherever you are! 🫶

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