Year 6•2

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"Goodbye dear, remember to write!" Her mom waved. "I will mother, goodbye." Y/N said as she kissed her moms cheek. She waved and walked onto the train. Normally she would be going to the compartments in the left, however that had been in the past two years. Things were different now.

She walked to the right instead, opening the door to a compartment that she hadn't opened in years."Hello Blaise, Parkinson.." Y/N said recognizing the two familiar faces inside the compartment.

"Don't tell me your still not liking me." Pansy said giving a grin as Y/N sat in the opposite side to face them.

"You're the one who banned me from your group." Y/N replied moving her arm to the side. Pansy said nothing but made a smile as she turned to Blaise. Amusing. She looked at the window wondering what she was gonna do. It's not like Pansy liked her at all, and it's not like she liked her as well.

"Congratulations." Blaise broke the silence. "In?" Y/N asked.
"Don't act surprised Avaline." Blaise said crossing his arms.
"I'm not surprised, I'm actually just asking." She fired back.
"You're the Head girl for Slytherin along with Draco ." Blaise told her as he handed  her the head girl pin.

She smiled as she grabbed the pin. It was a silver crest with green in the side. As well as the "Head Girl" engraving in the center.

"Thank you."  Y/N said. She watched Pansy as a black smoke suddenly entered the train.

"I'm so done with these first years." Pansy threatened before pulling out her wand.

"Can't you calm down?" Y/N asked rolling her eyes. It was just black smoke. "Since when do you care." Pansy asked trying to shake her off before she sat back down.

"Draco come." Pansy said as She turned to the platinum blond boy coming their way. The familiar face entered the compartment, the same platinum blond hair and black suit.
"Good morning." He spoke, almost in an aggressive tone as he sat in the empty seat next to me.

It was quiet until Draco started speaking."Hogwarts what a pathetic excuse for a school, I think I'd throw  myself of the astronomy tower rather then continue for the next two years." Draco complained looking at the window.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Pansy asked. "Just don't think I'll be wasting my time in charms class next year."
Blaise gave a quiet laugh which caused Draco to look at him.

"Amused Blaise? just see who's laughing at the end." Draco rolled his eyes. She wondered what had happened to Draco, last year he was more then excited to help umbridge, now he wants to leave hogwarts.

She leaned her head back as she looked at the roof before seeing something move. She blinked her eyes, it must've been her eyes playing tricks.

After an hour they arrived. She stood up and grabbed her bag along with Pansy, and Blaise. "Coming Malfoy?" Y/N asked.

"You three go on, I wanna check something." Draco responded. Y/N shrugged and walked out.

They walked towards Professor flitwick who held a clipboard with the assigned seats for the carriages. "Names?" He asked.

"Y/N Avaline, Pansy Parkinson, and Blaise Zabini." Pansy spoke. "Go along," Professor Flitwick spoke.

The trio started walking as Y/N hesitated. Something was of. She didn't know why Draco chose to stay in the train but It couldn't be for good. "I'm gonna check on Draco." Y/N spoke as she walked towards the train.

"You're gonna be late!" Y/N heard Pansy shout as she continued walking. She stopped when she saw all the windows had been shut with the curtain. Something was definitely up.

She opened the door to see Draco and a boy. "Draco we should go-" YsN said before cutting herself off.

She looked at Harry who was on the floor frozen. "Draco what did you do?" Y/N said running towards Harry.

She sat down immediately as she placed her hand on Harry's chest. "We can't just leave him here." Y/N
Spoke. "He's done enough to you." Draco said. He kicked his nose before grabbing the cloak.

"That's for my father." Draco said and put the cloak on him. "Let's go Y/N." Draco said. Y/N looked at Harry then looked at Draco, He grabbed her arm before she spoke up.

"Give me a second, I left something." Y/N told draco before he walked away, leaving the compartments. "Your so lucky I'm doing this." Y/N spoke to Harry who was still frozen.

"Ferula." Y/N said calmly pointing her wand at Harry.
She stood up before leaving the train. That should heal him and not make the injury bad.

"What did you leave." Draco asked her as they walked to the doors."My pin." Y/N said grabbing the Head girl pin from her bag. Draco nodded as she looked at all of the things he was taking. So many boxes, and cloaks.

"This for a year?" Y/N asked raising an eyebrow. "I know you haven't been with us for three years, however you need to learn to not ask about what I do or bring." Draco said crossing his arms.

She mocked his expression as she waited for his items to get  cleared. After a few minutes Snape allowed them to continue. "What happened to your face Potter?!" Draco shouted. She looked at Harry who's nose was bruised but not bleeding due to the spell she used.

"Let's go." He said. He grabbed Y/N's arm and ran to the carriages.

Half an hour and they arrived to hogwarts. It looked a lot more different. She knew staff and everyone was gonna be more conscious about everything.

She sat next to Draco across from Pansy and Blaise. She looked as Harry walked in as well as Luna.

"Very best of evenings for you all." Dumbledore said as he took the stand. Everyone looked at him.

"First, let me introduce the newest member of the staff. Horace Slughorn." Dumbledore said. Everyone turned to the man Dumbledore pointed at, he looked experienced and steady.

"Professor slughorn has agreed to resume his position in his potions classroom, meanwhile defense against the dark arts will be taken by Professor Snape." Dumbledore said.

Most of the slytherins clapped, including Y/N who clapped because Snape had always been okay with her. She looked at Draco who looked focused. "You alright?" Y/N asked.

"Yeah just thinking." Draco replied. She looked at him, he looked worried but she didn't want to ask further.

"Now each and every one of you will search upon your arrival tonight, and you have the right to know why. Once there was a young man, like you sat in this very hall. In these class corridors, he seemed to all the world a student like everyone else. His name Tom Riddle." Dumbledore said. Everyone whispered as they heard the name, it had became a bigger danger now.

"He is now known to the world by another name. I stand looking upon you all tonight, every day, every night,maybe even this hour perhaps. Dark forces try to get into this castle, in the end their greatest weapon is you." Dumbledore continued. "That's something to think about, now of to bed." Dumbledore finished his speech.

She stood up and looked at Draco who was still sitting. "You coming?" She asked. "Yes sorry." He said as he stood up.

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