Year 6•3

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"I'm bored." Y/N whispered to Draco who was beside her. He nodded as Professor slughorn continued to explain what they were doing for the class. She watched as she heard the door open to see Harry and Ron walk in. She grabbed her book tighter as she bent her knees In hopes that they wouldn't see her.

"Ah! Harry the boy I was beginning to worry, brought someone I see?" Professor slughorn asked. "Ron Weasley sir, I already finished potions so I'm gonna just," Ron said before Harry pushed him forward. "Nonsense, I won't sort you out, any friend of Harry's is a friend of mine get your books out." Professor Slughorn assigned as he turned back.

"Sorry sir I don't have my book" Harry interrupter. "Nonsense, pick one of the cabinet." Professor Slughorn said.

"Now as I was saying, I prepares some conjunctions this morning. Any ideas of what these might be?" Professor Slughorn asked. Hermione raised her hand right at the second he finish his sentence. "Yes Ms?" He asked.

"Granger sir, this one here is verum serume, it's a truth telling Serume-" Hermione kept explaining but Y/N couldn't focus.

She felt weird overall. "The most powerful love potion on the world, it's rumored to smell different to each person to whatever attracts them." Hermione said.

"Excellent, let me pick someone..." Professor Slughorn said.  He stared at everyone before leaving his focus on Y/N. Y/N shook her head as he laughed.

"Y/N correct?" He asked. "Yes Professor." Y/N replied. "Can you give us an example." He spoke.

Y/N nodded as she walked forward. She took a smell. She smelled cinnamon and wood, and it very easy to know who it was about, too easy that anyone could know. So she lied. "Mint, and smoke. Y/N lied. Everyone would wonder what it was about, but it was better then an obvious answer.

At this point she wanted to forget Harry. "Now Amortenia, does not create actual love, it Creates obsession, probably the most dangerous potion." He teached. She watched as Pansy,Lavender brown and Katie bell slowly approached the cauldron before he shut it down.

"Sir you haven't told us what's in that one." Katie said as she pointed to a small tube.

"Ah yes, see before you ladies and gentlemen. Curious little potion Felix Felices. It's more commonly known as." He said before he was cut of. "Liquid Luck Professor." Y/N said. She remembered reading about it in her second year, a long time ago yet a big memory.

"Yes Ms.Avaline, very tricky to make a disaster if you get it wrong. One sip you will find your succeed, it affects wealth. So this is what I offer each of you, one tiny vile of liquid luck student who does it in the remaining hour, will receive. It will also be found in page ten of your books." He said. Y/N looked through pages of her book as she found page ten. She didn't listen what he said, all she knew was she needed to make a brew, she didn't really want it so she didn't exactly care.

She walked towards Where Draco and the rest of her friends sat. "Cut up one Sopophorus bean." She read in the book.

She started to try to slice the bean that became impossible. She was able do to it at the end which took her forever.

She watched as her hair started to fizz as well as everyone else's.

An hour passed before anything. She watched as Slughorn put a leaf into Harry's cauldron. "Merlins beard, it is perfect." She heard from the table across them.

"Now as promised one vile of liquid luck. Congratulations, use it well." He told Harry.

She hesitated whether to clap or not.

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