Year 2•2

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The first few days of Hogwarts of were great, both girls had enjoyed their classes and were debating if this year could be better then the previous. They walked over to their rooms to grab their books for defense against the dark arts. Y/N looked at the set of Gilderoy Luckhart books Pansy had given her.  Every book cover was a man with gold hair, and pearly white teeth.

Both girls took a seat in the second row behind Draco, Crab and Goyle who could not stop laughing for whatever reason.
Y/N took a second to look at Harry who was sitting with Ron, she wondered where he had been or where he had gone.

Both girls heard footsteps coming from the balcony of the office located in the classroom. Everyone got quiet, awaiting to see who their teacher was. "Let me introduce you to your new Defense against the dark arts teacher." A man with blonde hair spoke leaving the room as the whole class recognized him immediately. The man who was in every book cover. "Me." The man revealed smiling. No wonder he made us buy each of his books. Y/N thought to herself looking at the stack of books that were resting on her desk.

"Gilderoy Lockhart, Order of Merlin, Third class, Honorary member of the dark force defense league, and 5 times winner of Witch weekly most charming smile award." Lockhart introduced himself, as Y/N turned to see how her classmates were reacting. Some were bored, some were smiling and blushing, and the rest just stared.

"But I don't want to talk about that, I didn't get rid of the Bangshy by smiling at him." He laughed at his own joke as Y/N scuffed to herself "He's so full of himself." She told herself. Was this really the man who was gonna give me Classes for the rest of the year. She put her hand on her forehead.

"Now, be warned." He said with a serious attitude. "It is my job to arm you about, the most foulest creatures known to every wizard kind." He spoke placing his hand in front of a cage that was covered with a cloth. "You will find yourselves, facing your worst fears in this room." He said with a serious tone.  "Note, no harm will force you while I'm here." He continued, tempting his hand on the cage again. "Don't scream, it might provoke them!" He yelled and pulled the cloth over the cage.

There were 6 weird animals, They were purple with huge eyes. "Cornies Pixies?" Seamus from Gryffindor asked smiling. "Freshly cropped Cronie Pixies." Lockhart replied to Seamus.

Seamus started laughing, as well as other students. "Laugh all you want Mr.Finnigan, Pixies can be very tricky little creatures." Lockhart opened the cage as all six Pixies flew out the cage and flew throughout the classroom. Y/N and Pansy immediately got up as they scanned the Pixies who were ripping pages out of the books, and destroying a lot of furniture.

Pansy ran out of the room along with Draco and Goyle leaving Y/N there. Y/N crawled her way under Lockharts desk as she went through every spell in her head that could be beneficial. She didn't know what to do, thinking of a spell that can somehow freeze Time, or do something for them to stop. She noticed that every student left but Harry, Hermione, and Ron who were attempting to hit the pixies with unharmed books.

Y/N looked at Lockhart who attempted to shoot a spell before a pixie broke the wand in half. She rolled her eyes as Lockhart ran up to his office to seek shelter leaving the class that was being broken into shreds. All 4 of them continued to hit them with books. "What do we do now?" Ron asked smacking a Pixie.

Y/N looked at Hermione, as it seemed both girls thought of a spell at the same time. "Immobulus!" Both girls screamed as all Pixies froze and floated throughout the classroom.

Both girls smiled at each other as alll 4 of them got their books, and wands and headed out of the classroom. "Let's hope Lockhart can clean this mess." Ron said as walked out. "Yeah." Harry agreed as all 4 of them stayed silent till Y/N blurted. "Harry where were you last night?" She asked as he looked at her, almost surprised that he was asking her.

"Y/N you wouldn't believe if i told you so." Harry responded as he laughed. "I'll honestly believe most of the things you tell me." Y/N responded closing her book.

"It involves a flying car,a weird tree, it's a long story." Harry spoke as he looked at Ron. "Well, i think Pansy is waiting for me, See you." Y/N spoke as she left to go find Pansy at the courtyard.

"Hey! What happened?" Pansy asked as she shut her book. "Me and hermione stopped it, But we left the Mess for Lockhart to handle." Y/N responded as she sat down next to her.

Pansy shut her book and looked at the Slytherin quidditch team come in. "You have practice?" Pansy asked and turned to Y/N.

"Um, I don't think so." Y/N replied confusingly and made her way to Marcus who was the captain of the team.  Just at that moment The Gryffindor quidditch team came in, along with their bottoms.

"Where do you think your going Flint?" Oliver wood, the Gryffindor quidditch Captain asked Marcus. "Quidditch practice." Marcus responded and turned to Y/N who was looking at him. "Y/N why aren't you changed?" He asked her and raised his eyebrows. "I was unaware we had practice." She responded and crossed her arms. "Whatever get changed." He replied.

"I booked the pitch today for Gryffindor." Oliver fired back and bit his lip. "Easy Wood, I've got a note." Marcus responded and handed a small note to Oliver who seemed very confused.

Y/N heard Hermione and Ron who immediately walked towards the crowd.

"I Professor Snape, do here by give the Slytherin quidditch team permission to practice, needing to train their new seeker." Olive spoke as he read the note before looking at the team.

"You've got a new seeker, Who?" Olive asked and raised his eye brows once more. Marcus and another boy opened up to see not other then Draco Malfoy pop in. "Malfoy?" Harry asked and blinked. "That's right,and that's not all that's new this year." Draco said as he passed his broom to his other hand.

Everyone looked at the brooms down and up.

"Those are Nimbus 2001's! How did you get those?" Ron blurted as he gave a shock expression. "A gift from Draco's father." Marcus responded as he turned to Ron. "See Weasley, Unlike some My father can afford the best." Draco said as he turned to Ron.

Y/N was shocked by this. I hope he falls off his broom first thing at the practice. Y/N thought to herself. "At least no one on the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in, they got it on pure talent." Hermione fired back as she nodded her head to the side.

Draco walked towards to Hermione feeling threatened. "No one asked your opinion, you filthy little Mud-Blood." Draco told Hermione. Y/N and everyone else who wasn't a slytherin gasped. "You'll pay for that one Malfoy, Eat slugs!" Ron pointed his wand to Malfoy , green sparks coming out of his wand as Ron flew back.

Y/N,Hermione and the rest of the gryffindor team ran to Ron's aid. "You ok Ron?" Hermione asked as she kneeled.
Ron turned to the grass.

"Say something!" Y/N said as she put her hand up.  She heard a camera flash behind her back. "Can you turn around Harry?" A boy with bright blond hair said. "No not right now Collin!" Harry responded and nodded to Y/N telling her to help him get Ron up.

Y/N placed Rons arm on her shoulder.  "Let's take him to Hagrids." Harry told her and Hermione as they carried him over.  It was a long walk but they finally reached the Hut. "Well good luck you guys, I have to go before Draco offers to take my spot as well." Y/N spoke dropping off Ron.

"Thank you for the help Y/N." Harry said as he smiled.  She smiled back and made her way to the pitch.

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