Year 3•7

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"Y•N are you ready?" Daphne Greengrass asked her. "You can go thank you Daph." Y•N replied.

Today was their second trip to Hogsmeade, Y•N had made friends with more people including Daphne Greengrass as well as her sister Astoria.

"Okay see you!" Daphne said as she walked away. Y•N got up and went to the gryffindor table as she was rather bored. "Hi Hermione,Hi Harry and Ron." Y•N waved as she sat next to Hermione.
"Hello Y•N!" Hermione waved back to her. "Are you guys going to hogsmeade?" Y•N asked as she but her hair in a messy bun. "Me and Hermione are, Harry can't." Ron replied as he took a sip from a water goblet.

"Why?" Y•N asked as she made a stare at Harry. "I didn't get the parchment signed." Harry replied as he put his hand on his face. "Well me and Ron should get going, Y•N you coming?" Hermione asked. "I'll catch up to you guys." Y•N replied and gave a small smile.

Both Hermione and Ron walked out of the great hall. "Okay let's go." Harry said. "Where?" Y•N replied standing up. "Hogsmeade of course." Harry said and gave a small laugh. "I thought you weren't allowed to go." Y•N questioned Harry. "It's still worth a try to sneak." Harry said and smiled before pulling out a cloak from his lap.

"Okay then let's go!" Y•N said and smiled. They walked out and went to the corridors, Harry placed the cloak above both of them as they slowly walked to doors.

Y•N heard footsteps behind them hoping they hadn't notice.

Y•N felt an arm come under her arm before, it felt like she was being dragged. "Guys let me go!" Harry demanded as he tried to push both boys out. "Very clever Harry but not clever enough." Y•N heard the familiar voices of Fred and George Ron's brothers.

"Blimey Harry who's under here with you." Fred joked as he felt Y•N's arm.
"Besides we have a better way." George said as he pushed both of them into a part of the bell room.

Fred pulled the cloak revealing Y•N and Harry. "Oh hi Y•N." Fred waved at her. Y•N forced a smile as she looked at the floor.

"What are you doing?" Harry asked immediately.
"Shh." George said as he quieted Harry.

They handed Harry a clear parchment.
"What's this rubbish?" Harry asked as he held the paper.

Y•N didn't pay attention to what Fred and George told Harry. All she thought about was going into the snow, it was an amazing day and she was ready to have fun with it.

"Okay let's go Y•N." Harry told her. "What do you mean?" Y•N asked as she put her gloves on. "There's secret passage here let's go!" Harry grabbed her hand before they found a passage to honeydukes. 

No one could know that Harry came to honey dukes,so they still had to have the cloak on once they entered. Y•N noticed Neville once they were walking out. "Hi Nev-" Y•N said before Harry put his hand on her mouth. Neville looked to the side but saw no one. "Let's find Ron and Hermione." Harry whispered as they walked to a part of the snow where the shrieking shack was seen.

Right when Y•N was about to pat Hermiones shoulder, She heard a familiar voice. "Well well look who's here,shopping for your new dream home,Great for you Weasalbee, don't your family sleep in uh one room?" Draco asked.

"Shut your mouth Malfoy." Ron responded defending himself.

Hermione and Ron immediately turned once they heard the voice. "Oo not very friendly,Boys I think it's time to teach weasalbee how to respect his superiors. "Draco continued before Grabbing has jacket.

"I can't hold this." Y•N whispered to Harry, as she moved out of the cloak, in back of Malfoy.

"Hope you don't mean yourself Malfoy." Y•N and Hermione said at the same time, before crossing their arms.

Draco turned to Y•N then at Hermione. "Dare talk to me, filthy little mud-bloods both of you." Draco threatened both Y•N and Hermione.

A snow ball came running, To Draco's face, Y•N immediately knew it was Harry under the cloak.

Y•N smiled, As Hermione and Ron looked confused. Draco and his friends started getting trolled, and Hermione laughed during.

Draco and His friends ran out after a few minutes.  

"Harry!" Y•N said as she pulled the cloak from his head.

Harry started to laugh as well,As Hermione and Ron.

"Let's go take a walk!" Hermione suggested as all 4 of them walked through hogsmeade,

"Sick of dementors!" Y•N heard a woman say, as All 4 of them turned, including Harry who was under the cloak. Harry followed the woman as an other man followed behind the woman. "Harry!" Hermione whispered.

"Well we wait." Ron said as they all sat down in a rock near the door.

6 minutes passed, before Y•N and Hermione noticed footsteps coming out. Y•N pointed to them before the 3 of them started to run to the footsteps.

Y•N heard sobbing, once they reached the same spot they once were. Y•N put her hand in the air trying to find the cloak, when she did she pulled it of.

"Harry what happened?" Y•N asked.
"He was their friend.." Harry replied looking at the floor.

"And he betrayed them, HE WAS THEIR FRIEND." Harry yelled at the end.

"I hope he finds me, because when he does I'm gonna be ready, and when he does I'm gonna kill him." Harry threatened.

The 4 of them walked back the castle, Harry still under the cloak still very quiet, She waved to them as they walked into the Gryffindor common room as she walked to the Slytherin common room.

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