YEAR 1•5

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"I can teach you how to bewitch the mind." Professor Snape spoke to the whole class. Y/N wasn't exactly paying attention, She kept her mind on how the day was going to go. Apparently she kept thinking about it to the end of class till she heard "Class dismissed but Slytherins." Y/N stood up as the rest of the students exited the classroom.

"I better not see points removed From slytherin house, As first years I expect more from all of you." He spoke then looked everyone from left to right. "Dismissed" he finalized then walked towards an office. How did he expect more from us even though we were new.

"Well potions is okay so far." Pansy said as she grabbed her books. "Hopefully it stays that way."  Y/N replied.

"Hey I heard Crabbe left some Pumpkin Pasties in his dorm, Wanna steal them really quick?" Pansy asked eagerly, " Why not?" Y/N responded as Pansy laughed, grabbing her arm.

Y/N and Pansy ran towards the dungeons. "Pure-Blood Slytherin" Both girls said smiling at each other as they reached the slytherin doors.

"That's funny, considering Y/N is a mud blood." Draco's spiky voice spoke then laughed. Pansy gasped, as Y/N turned to face Draco. Y/N didn't know what the word he just called meant, but considering Pansy's gasp and expression she could tell it was bad.

"Bother someone else Draco." Y/N spoke then got pansy's arm as they walked to their flying class. "I can't believe he called you that." Pansy sighed.

"What does Mud-Blood even mean?" She asked her friend. "Well it basically means Dirty-Blood" Pansy said then looked at the floor. "My father said it's foul language he doesn't even use." She said.

The girls walked outside, as they saw everyone was already there gathered around the Professor.

Both girls gathered around and took there place in a broom. Hello everyone, and welcome to your first flying lesson." The Professor greeted as everyone lined up. "For starters everyone step to left of your broom, put your arm above it and say up on the whistle." Y/N walked to the left side of her broom. "3..2..-"

Everyone eventually got the broom to their hands as they prepared for their next instruction. "Now when I blow my whistle." The Professor said. "Your all gonna kick from the floor, 3..2.-" Before the Professor blew her whistle, a boy was already floating. Everyone was screaming yelling him to get down, his name was Neville, a Gryffindor who was flying all around the yard. "Come down this instant." The Teacher shouted as everyone continued to scream,

He flew out of the yard, before his robe got stuck on the statue. His robe couldn't handle it and fell to the Torch, then to the floor.

"Everyone get out the way." The professor said as she moved everyone out. The boy was in the floor, everyone can tell he was hurt bad and couldn't even get up. "Oh dear it's a broken wrist." The teacher said as he held his wrist.

Y/N saw Draco as he noticed a clear ball in the floor, and grabbed it at the moment.

"Everyone keep there feet firmly on the ground, While I take Mr.Longbottom to the hospital wing. Understand?" The Professor said. "If I see one broom in the air, you will be out of hogwarts before you could say Quidditch." The Professor said, She had barley managed to get Neville of the ground.

Everyone gathered around waiting till she got back.

"Did you see his face?" Draco said. "Maybe if the fat lumber had given this a squeeze, He would remember to fall on his fat ass." Draco continued, as he and Crabbe and Goyle laughed.

"Give it Here Malfoy." Harry Potter stood up to Draco as he approached him.

Draco turned around to Harry. "No,I think I'll leave it for Longbottom to find."

"Malfoy make everyone's life easier and give it to him." Y/N sighed as she laughed at the ball he was holding.

"Just Wait till my father finds out a Mud-Blood is in my house." He answered then raised his eye brows. "But since you're so brave, come up and take it from me." Draco spoke climbing onto the broom as he flew up.

What's the worse that could happen. Y/N got on her broom as she looked at Pansy. "Don't fall." is the only suggestion her friend could give her, since they both knew nothing about flying a broom.

She flew up against Draco, who juggled the ball in front of her.

"Give it Draco, you don't want to stumble to the ground and break your ribs don't you?" She asked as Harry flew to the side of her.

"Don't feel like it." He responded as Harry tried to knock him off. "Have it your way then." Draco said and threw the ball to the school.

Both Y/N and Harry raced towards the ball, not wanting it to crack and fall on the floor and have to deliver the news to Neville. The ball headed its way to the window on the school as Harry reached it and got the ball at the right moment.

He threw the ball to Y/N for her to catch it, As they both flew to the group on the floor. Pansy ran towards her as well as the other Slytherins, expect Draco,Crabbe and Goyle who stood there with snarky faces.

Just as she was about to say thank you she heard a voice. "Hey you, can I talk to you?" She turned around, It was a boy who looked about 15, he was wearing his slytherin robes.

Pansy let go of her arm, as Y/N walked forward and turned to Harry then Draco, who was smiling.

Maybe i should've listened and remained on the ground. No way I was already fighting with a boy in my first day of school.

She followed the Boy, as she also got a glimpse of Professor McGonogall walking outside. She was hoping she had seen Draco. But considering she was the Gryffindor head of house, she most likely saw Harry.

"Here." The boy told her handing her a green and Grey sweater with the Slytherin crest. "What's this?" She asked looking at the sweater. "It's the Slytherin Quidditch sweater." He responded her. "I'm sorry I don't know what quidditch is, and I don't know your name." She explained to him. "I'm Marcus Flint, Captain of the Slytherin quidditch team. And quidditch is basically the worlds sport." He told her.

"Wait, you're the muggle born aren't you?" He asked as she nodded. "I still don't know what quidditch is." She explained to him. "This is why I'm gonna explain it to you, Just meet me in the yard after the school day." He said then walked away.

Y/N walked back to the court and ran towards Pansy. "Did you get expelled?" she asked with a worried looked. "No, I actually got on the quidditch team?" She told her with a confused look. "Wow! A first year in the Slytherin quidditch team!?" she exclaimed.

Both girls walked to their lunch, with smiles on their faces. "I still can't believe you got on the quidditch team!" Pansy said as both girls sat down.

"She got on what?" Draco said biting an apple. "I was chosen to play on the Slytherin Quidditch team."Y/N said opening a caramel. Draco stood up and walked away and headed towards Crabbe and Goyle.

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