YEAR 1 •2

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I lived

"You should've seen his Face Y/N, It was hilarious!" Her blonde friend spoke. Y/N didn't know what she was talking about, Yet she was still laughing trying to be apart of the group. "Goodbye everyone." Y/N waved goodbye to her friends as they waved back before looking at each other.
She grabbed her silver keys, as she unlocked the front gate of her London home before searching for the other key to open her front door. The neighborhood was safe, but as her father said "you never knew." She walked in, and saw Her parents sitting down With an Older woman.

"Y/N, do you know about this?" Her mother asked as Y/N shook her head immediately. One second inside the house and she was already being questioned. "Mom who is that?" She looked at Her mom then at The woman who was sitting down with a letter in her hands. "Hello Y/N" The woman said to her. "Who are you?" Y/N asked. "My name is Minerva McGonagall, Deputy Head Mistress at Hogwarts School Of Witch Craft and Wizardry." Y/N looked through her house, seeing her parents faces waiting for a response. "I'm sorry I don't know about this." Y/N looked at the ground. "Y/N Dear, Magic is real." Her mother exclaimed. "She fixed our window with a stick!" Her mother continued. Y/N Looked at the window that was broken and had been for nearly a year and now fixed as new. "That has to be a dream, this is my imagination again" Y/N told herself as she rubbed her eyes. "It wasn't imagination Y/N, Remember your pencil?" Minerva told her. "Magic isn't real and how do you know about the pencil?" Y/N looked at her with Shock, how could this woman, who she had never seen in her life know about things she hadn't told anyone.

"Okay that's enough" Her mother calmed everyone down and moved to hold her daughter's shoulders, "Thank you Minerva" Mr.Avaline said as he gave the women her Hat, "I will be sure to give her more details Later." He smiled. "Thank you Sir, I hope to see you both soon, as for you too Y/N." she looked at her and closed the door.

Y/N rushed upstairs and wrote on her journal. So something's are odd, some might be fake some might be real.  She shut her journal shut, she wrote one sentence for the day. But it still summed up what happened. Nothing else that had happened today was relevant.

She heard her Parents footsteps coming to her room as She went under the covers and pretended to be asleep.

"Y/N Dear..?" Her mom asked trying to see if she was asleep. Y/N was horrible at pretending to be asleep, She started to giggle, and her father started to laugh as well. He turned on the Lights as her Mother sat on the side of her Bed, and Her father in Her chair. "So should we talk about this?" Her mother asked and handed Y/N a Letter with a red wax sealing.

"Sure" Y/N responded still confused, And her parents explained everything the woman had told them.

"So Magic is real?" Y/N asked. "Yes sweetheart, this here is the ticket to your train." Her Dad handed Y/N a ticket with a golden border, and the words Platform 9 3/4 printed in the center.

" Her Dad handed Y/N a ticket with a golden border, and the words Platform 9 3/4 printed in the center

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"But Father, We've been to this Train Station so many times, there's no such thing. It's only 9 through 10." Y/N looked at the ticket very confused.

"We know Sweetheart but we will figure it out."Her father said and kissed her on her head. "Goodnight Love" Her mother said as she closed the door and walked out following Mr Avaline.

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