Year 4•8

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"You still haven't told me about how the dance went with Cedric." Daphne complained and slammed her head against the desk.

"I told you nothing happened!" Y•N lied and laughed. "I doubt it, you know there's like a lot of girls who wanna know how it was as well." Daphne told her.

"Yeah i know but like I said it was just a dance." Y•N lied again.

No one had knew that Cedric has kissed her other then, Cedric himself and Hermione who begged Y•N for details.

"Hello Y•N, Professor Dumbledore wants to see you." She looked behind her to see Draco telling her.

"Thank you." Y•N said and walked out of the class.

That was the first time Draco had spoken to her since their encounter at the ball. She walked towards Professor McGonogall who was outside of his office waiting for someone.

"Hello Professor, Professor Dumbledore wants to see me." Y•N said and smiled. "I know dear, Me,Dumbledore and Severus are gonna talk to you I was waiting for you." Professor McGonogall said as she opened the door.

"Severus." Y•N told herself. She forgot he spotted Y•N and Cedric In the carriage.

"Hello Ms.Avaline." Professor Dumbledore greeted her. "Hello Professor am in trouble?" Y•N asked.

"No not at all, take seat in front of me." Professor Dumbledore assigned her.

She sat in the chair in front of his desk, she watched as Professor Snape and Professor McGonogall took the seat next to him.

"Okay so your father sent us a letter." Professor McGonogall said. "How is he?" Y•N asked concerned. Why would her muggle father send a letter to her teachers.

"He's great dear, but we need to talk to you." Professor McGonogall looked at Snape telling him to say something. "Where gonna get to the point, Your not muggle born." Professor Snape said.

Y•N opened her eyes wider. "I'm sorry my parents have no idea of what magic even is." Y•N said and raised her eyebrows. "That's the thing, Your Father didn't want you to know about his past." Professor Dumbledore continued.

Y•N looked very confused, she didn't know what they meant.

"Your a half-blood dear, your father is a wizard and your mother is a muggle." Professor McGonogall said. "Does my mother know about him being a wizard?" Y•N asked.

"She does." Professor Snape said. "Okay great, I still have questions but can I leave now?" Y•N asked. "No we haven't gotten to the exact point." Professor Snape replied.

"Here." Professor Dumbledore handed her a letter in a hand writing she immediately recognized.

Dear Albus, I think it's time to tell Y•N of our secret.
My father said it's time for Y•N to carry the bloodline, I wanted to thank you for making everyone believe she was a Muggleborn and I still want it to be like that. People will immediately come for her, so once you explain everything to her tell her to keep it a secret. She can tell the people she trusts the most who she knows wouldn't tell.
Thank you for everything albus, please have her write back once she has everything in control.

Much love Y•D•N Hephaestus.

"Hephaestus? Who's that?" Y•N asked as she put the letter down.

"Hephaestus was the fire god in the Roman days Dear." Professor McGonogall said.

"Your father is a descendent of him." Professor Snape said.

"Okay but what's the secret and what does he mean I have to continue the bloodline?" Y•N asked.

"Every 1000 years Descendants of him have the power to create fire and control fire, and you are the 4th descendant." Professor Dumbledore told him.

"This is so confusing Professor I'm sorry." Y•N rubbed her hands on her eyes. "Dear, your last name Avaline was made up, before you came to Hogwarts your dad informed us he wanted to keep your last name and ancestors a secret." Professor McGonogall said.

"And every 1000 descendant, has the ability to control and make fire." Professor snape said.

"So I have powers?" Y•N asked. "Yes, but you currently have no experience with it, I will help you control your power." Professor Dumbledore told her.

"Now you can't tell no one your real last name nor your powers. People still need to think your a Muggleborn and an Avaline." Professor Dumbledore continued.

Y•N nodded."Minerva and Severus you two can exit, I'm gonna teach Y•N how to turn on and off fire." Professor Dumbledore said. He stood up and walked to a torch. "Incendio." Professor Dumbledore said as he pointed his wand to the torch.

"Okay Y•N all I want you to do is focus on the fire and nothing else, and imagine you turning off the fire. And eventually you will get how to do it." he told her


Y•N learned how to turn on and turn of fire but very little parts. She had written back to Her father who told her he was happy she was able to control it.

Y•N watched as the small fire turned on and of with her brain.

"Y•N what are you doing?" She turned around to see Harry standing up looking at her. "Oh um meditating yeah." Y•N replied.

"In front of a fire?" Harry said and giggled. "I guess so." Y•N replied with a laugh.

That was the first time Harry had spoken to her since she had to say no to the Yule ball. "Well I have to go, see you!" Y•N said as she grabbed her book bag and waved at Harry.

She walked back to her common room, tomorrow was the hogsmeade trip, and was ready to go with Cedric.

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