Year 6•4

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She looked outside as she watched snow pour from the mountains, it was a hogsmeade trip today, and she didn't feel like going to Hogsmeade. The most significant reason was the fact that she had no one to go with.

"Hello Y/N" Y/N heard as she turned over her shoulder.
"Hello Parkinson." Y/N replied as she walked to the fireplace under stone with a snake.

"Are you gonna go to hogsmeade?" Pansy asked her.
"No, I'm staying here and enjoying my book." Y/N said waving her book. "Oh so you're like granger." Pansy rolled her eyes.

"So if ten million people read, it automatically makes them Hermione?" Y/N asked raising an eyebrow as she flipped through the pages. "I'm not in the mood for your nerdy-shenanigans." Pansy sighed as she stood up. "You know you'd make a good vampire." Y/N crossed her arms. "Why, because I'm beautiful?" Pansy asked waving her hair.
"No you're both dead inside." Y/N responded laughing at her own joke.

"If I was a vampire you'd be my first kill." Pansy said as she grabbed her book and through it across the room.

"I bet you wouldn't even be able to kill."Y/N spoke rolling her eyes as she walked over to the spot where the book fell.
Pansy rolled her eyes as she left the common room. No matter how much Y/N hated Pansy she loved to annoy her.

She grabbed her book as she moved among the pages as she felt small steps come from the boys dormitories.

"Going somewhere Malfoy?" Y/N asked as she shut her book before he stopped his steps. "Yes Hogsmeade Avaline." Draco said with no tone in his  voice still keeping his eyes on the door. She put the book on the desk as she noticed something on his hand. "What's that?" Y/N asked as she moved to the side revealing a rectangular black box.

"Avaline, I'll remind you to keep your mud-blood eyes from my business ." Draco said moving his eyes to her. "As much as I would love to, I'm afraid all the teachers trust me." Y
/N replied. He looked at her as he rolled his eyes before walking to the door.She mocked his expression as she sat down on the green leather couch.

"Actually, come with me. I need help." She heard Draco's voice as she turned around."In what?" Y/N asked. "I need to deliver this box to a store owner,  do you mind coming with me." Draco pleaded as he stared at her. "Why do you need me?" She asked leaning her head on her shoulder.

"You might be a good distraction, I mean every man here fancies you." Draco replied. "Wow thanks for the ego boost, but I'm not buying anything." Y/N said as she grabbed her sweater from a chair. "Also why would you need a distraction?" Y/N asked as she received no answer.

They walked out of the grounds as they approached all the stores, filled with Hogwarts students in each shop. The snow falling from the roofs fell as they walked. "What store do you need to deliver it to?" Y/N asked as she touched her gloves.

"The hogs head." Draco replied with no tone on his voice. She nodded as they entered and place their hats on a hook.

"Do you want to get a beer?" Y/N asked.

"Sure, while we wait for the owner to get here." Draco replied as they walked to a wall

"Aren't they supposed to be here yet?" Y/N asked as she sat down.

"She not here  yet." Draco replied as his eyes scanned the room. She played with her green scarf as she tapped her fingers.

"Y/N, you're going to hate me more then you already do but, it's a sacrifice." He whispered."What?" She asked before he kissed her against the wall. He grabbed her neck, as she made a countdown. If he didn't let go of her in 10 seconds she'd knee him. He stopped. "Why did you just kiss me?" Y/N asked raising her eyebrows.

"I told you someone was staring." Draco replied as he slowly stood up. "And where are you going now?" Y/N asked crossing her arms. "I'm gonna give the present, it's the reason we're here anyway." He replied grabbing the box.
She rolled her eyes, she walked up to the bar as she placed her elbows on the bar.

"Hi can I order a hot butterbear to-go?" Y/N asked as the woman nodded behind the bar.

She tapped her fingers as she turned to the side to the face of Professor Slughorn. "Oh hello Y/N!" Professor Slughorn waved as she smiled,

"Hello Professor, how are you?" Y/N asked in a welcoming tone. "Very well, the hogs head really is my second home." Professor Slughorn replied causing them both to laugh.

"Well I was gonna let you know, every year I teach I always do this group of students, who I feel are intelligent and ready for an amazing future." Slughorn said as she nodded.

"And I want to invite you to the group." Slughorn said as he payed for his drink.

"Thank you Professor, I'll be honored." Y/N laughed.

"Actually let me introduce you to some people I'm also inviting!" -"They're also in your class." Slughorn smiled as he grabbed Y/N's arm in a friendly way.

"Oh- no no Professor I'm fine." Y/N pleaded before he pulled her in front of a table.

She stood as she viewed Harry,Hermione and Ron in a table.

"Mr.Potter and Ms.Granger will also be there Miss Avaline!" Professor Slughorn. "Have you met them before?" He asked as he turned to her. "Yes I have, Professor." Y/N said giving a fake laugh as she played with her hands. "That's great, You know, when my potters parents were in hogwarts I always sensed something between them, and I sense something between you and Potter." Professor Slughorn suggested as he rubbed Harry's head.

"Thank you Professor, that's truly a suggestion. However-." Y/N took a second to think of an excuse until it came to her. "I have a boyfriend." She said as she felt every face in the table including professor slughorn turn to me.

"Oh I apologize." Professor Slughorn spoke as Y/N nodded. "Well I'm gonna get my drink." Y/N excused herself as She payed the waitress and grabbed her drink. She spotted Draco as she walked towards him.

"Took you long enough." Draco sighed. "You disappeared." Y/N crossed her arms.

"It does not matter, let's go." Draco said grabbing her arm as she followed him.

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