Year 6•8

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"Crimes of grindewald." Y/N told herself. "What an interesting book." She continued turning the page. She was sitting in a window seat looking outside. It was cold and dark evening, it felt dark to her for no reason. The vibe was off and she couldn't tell why.  She sighed as she looked at her white sneakers or as she her muggle cousins call them converse.

"Draco let's go." She heard a female voice as she lifted her head. Who could it be. Y/N got up slowly as she followed the voice. The voice was familiar but it wasn't Hogwarts familiar.

There was the women she recognized immediately, Bellatrix, the woman who killed Sirius black at the department of mysteries.

She watched as the windows from the great hall shattered as it blew through Draco's hair with a terrified look on his face. Bellatrix was distracted so it was Y/N's moment to ask Draco.

"Draco." Y/N walked forward grabbing his arm.

"Y/N you need to leave." Draco replied looking at his arm.

"What do we have here draco?" She heard turning to see Bellatrix. "No one, she was just leaving." Draco said shrugging his shoulders. "Oh dear, I remember you the girl from the department of mysterious." Bellatrix said pulling out her wand.

"Don't hurt her she's not gonna stop us." Draco said pushing Y/N. "Go." He lip synced as Y/N nodded. She started to walk away before she stopped her tracks. "I'm fine, I have powers." She thought to herself feeling the heat hint in her hands. She moved next to the door, so they wouldn't be able to see her, but she'd be able to hear them.

"She's not gonna stop us." Draco spoke. Stop what? she wondered as she ran to where she heard footsteps. "The astronomy Tower." She thought. why would they have gone here.

Y/N opened the door slowly as she walked in. She entered, recognized Harry who was watching someone from the level below. "Harry what-?" She asked before he caught her off. He placed his hand on her mouth to stop her from speaking.
"Severus." She heard as she looked up.

"Avada kedavra." She heard as she saw Dumbledore fall of the tower. Y/N couldn't believe what she was seeing, was this real? Y/N looked at Harry before she pulled out her wand.

She watched as Bellatrix,Draco and a few death eaters walked out walking through the castle. "We have to chase after them." Y/N said as she grabbed Harry's arm as they ran chasing after them. As they ran after the death eaters that's when it came to Y/N. Snape had killed dumbledore. Dumbledore, the man who helped her with her family, who taught her the families secrets was no longer alive. And Draco had taken part in it.

She watched as they walked outside, Y/N had her wand in her hand, she felt the heat spreading on the wand but it wasn't needed.  She was close enough to Draco so he could definitely hear her if she spoke. "Draco so you had murder on your mind?" Y/N shouted before Draco turned to her.

She fell as a death eater through a jinx at her causing her to fall on Harry, She immediately stood up before she watched as Bellatrix caught hagrids hut on fire. She cheered as the spell started to burn the hut. Y/N lifted her hands as the fire from the hut was removed and entered her hands.

Bellatrix turned to Y/N, shocked that her spell had gotten removed. "Powers." Bellatrix whispered with no expression in her face, in seconds a smile grew on her face before grabbing her wand.

"Don't you dare go near her." Harry said guarding her. Y/N kinda smiled at his protection but aimed her wand at Bellatrix.

Bellatrix stopped her tracks before turning to Snape. "Deal with them." Bellatrix spoke as she put her wand back.

"You coward!" Harry shouted as he pulled out his wand. "Sectumsempra!" Harry shot a spell at Snape, that was immediately dogged and instead flew back to Y/N, similar like a boomerang, it went and came back. But it came back to her. The spell caused her to collapse as she stared at the stars. She could feel a pain in her stomach which made her realize that this was the spell that Harry had used on Draco.

"You dare use my own spells against me potter." Snape spoke as Harry ran towards Y/N, attempting to put pressure on her stomach in whatever the blood was coming from.

"For I am the half blood prince." Snape revealed before Harry kneeled. Y/N didn't  know what the half blood Prince was or whatever Snape was saying, all she knew was that she was bleeding out of her stomach. "Y/N hold on." Harry said pulling out his wand.

"Harry." Y/N groaned, barley getting those words out. "Just hold on, it might hurt." He responded. And he was right, whatever he was doing with his wand stopped the bleeding and instead took it all in.

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